
  • 网络optimal tariff;The optimum tariff
  1. 论关税减让过程中最优关税结构的设置

    On the Setting of Optimal Tariff Structure in the Process of Tariff Concession

  2. 本文研究发现:本国企业与外国企业的边际成本是影响最优关税税率的重要因素,并且在经济发展的不同阶段,它们对最优关税税率的作用也不同。

    It proves that the marginal costs of the enterprises are important factors to influence the optimal tariff rate , and their effects are different in different phases .

  3. 实施何种贸易政策的判断标准通常是本国的国民收入或国民福利,最优关税理论的落脚点也在这里;

    The paper points out that the trade policy carried out in one country depends on both the national income and national welfare .

  4. 两国进行行业内贸易时,如果两国不进行贸易合作,国家会根据最大化本国福利的原则,制定一个最优关税而对两国的企业和本国的消费者产生影响。

    Governments will set a optimistic tariff rate for the intra-industry trade in order to maximize the social farewell when they do not cooperate with each other .

  5. 在最优关税博弈中采用逆推归纳法求出其最优均衡,同时解释了关税在国际竞争和贸易惩罚中的重要性。

    We use the backward induction to work out the optimal equilibrium solution of optimal tariff game , at the same time , explain the importance of tariff among the international competition and trade punishment .

  6. 本文在分析我国关税保护代价及财政收入职能的基础上,针对我国关税政策的目标,重新界定了最优关税结构的含义,并从理论上研究了最优关税结构的设置。

    On the basis of analyzing the cost of tariff protection and the function of fiscal income , we define the meaning of optimal tariff again according to the goal of China 's tariff policy and study the setting of optimal tariff sturcture .

  7. 本文根据通常的线性供给、需求函数假设,应用局部均衡方法,证明了大国最优出口关税的计算公式。

    This article has proved strictly the formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation by the partial equilibrium and the usual supposition of linear supply and demand .

  8. 在偶见载有大国最优出口关税的文献中,大国最优出口关税的计算公式却是根据大国最优进口关税公式推断出来的,没有经过严格的证明。

    The formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation in few literature is deduced symmetrically by the formula of the optimum import tariff in a large nation , which is not proved strictly .

  9. 在目前的国际贸易理论文献中,普遍有大国最优进口关税的计算公式及其证明,但却很少有大国最优出口关税的计算公式。

    There is seldom the formula of the optimum export tariff in a large nation in the present literature of international trade , but there is always the formula of the optimum import tariff in a large nation .