
  1. 〔8〕《中国土地法大纲》所规定的平分土地的办法,在以后的执行过程中有了一些改变。

    Subsequently in the implementation some changes were made in the method of equal distribution of land provided in the Outline Land Law of China .

  2. 全国土地会议上制定了《中国土地法大纲》,它是一个最彻底的,而且是比较完善的土地革命纲领,适合于当时形势发展需要及中国广大贫农的要求。

    Having made " China 's land law outline " at the national land meeting , it is a most thorough one , and more perfect the Agrarian Revolutionary War guiding principle , suitable for the changing situation need and the Chinese vast poor peasant 's request at that time .