
sī lú
  • fireman;chief stoker
司炉 [sī lú]
  • [stoker] 负责烧锅炉的人

  • 火车司炉

司炉[sī lú]
  1. 当然这是很奇特的。治安的司炉。

    It certainly was singular that the stoker of order .

  2. 他们是这么称呼司炉工的。

    That is what they call the stoker .

  3. 他在南方铁路公司当上了铁路机车司炉工。

    He became a railroad locomotive fireman with the Southern Railroad .

  4. 我的司炉工今天没有出现。

    My furnace operator didn 't show up today .

  5. “先客后主,司炉最末”。

    Houzhu first off , the last fireman .

  6. 他们坐在司炉边说话。

    They sat by the fire and talked .

  7. 船上的司炉工人在闹罢工,以致没有人司炉。

    The ship 's firemen went on strike and there was no one to fire .

  8. 按通常的铁路惯例,机车备有司机和司炉室。

    A cab was provided for driver and fireman , as in normal railway practice .

  9. 他们坐在司炉边说话。火焰卷烧着壁炉边缘。

    They sat by the fire and talked . The flames licked the sides of the fireplace .

  10. 目的:通过指标筛选研究确定锅炉司炉作业人员职业适性检测指标体系。

    Objective : To determine the occupational aptitude test indexes systems of boiler by studying on the screened indexes .

  11. 螺旋式燃煤装置采用连续性明火反烧法进行司炉操作,具有烟尘排放浓度低、节煤等优点。

    The spiral-type coal-burning devices are operated by means of counter-burning with low fume emission and big savings in coal consumption .

  12. 虽然火车司炉尽快地将煤铲进炉子,但火车一点也没加快。

    Although the engineer shoveled the coal in as fast as he could , the steam engine would go no faster .

  13. 司炉,烧火工:被雇佣来往火炉内添加燃料和照看火炉的人,如蒸汽火车车头或蒸汽船中的火炉工。

    One who is employed to feed fuel to and tend a furnace , as on a steam locomotive or a steamship .

  14. 实践表明,该系统提高了司炉人员的操作技能水平,促进了锅炉系统的安全可靠运行。

    The practice shows that the system improves the skill level of the operators and promotes the security and reliability of operation for boiler systems .

  15. 他听到司机和司炉回到了驾驶室,并断断续续地听到他们在谈论车上发现一具尸体的事。

    He heard the engineer and fireman climb back into their cab , and caught snatches of conversation about a body being found on the train .

  16. 结果:(1)尘肺病例集中在司炉工及铸型工,其中司炉工的尘肺发病风险高于对照组,差异有统计学意义;尘肺病发病风险随着工龄的增加而升高。

    Firemen have a higher incidence of pneumoconiosis than control group , the difference is statistically significant . The risk of suffering pneumoconiosis increase with the increase of length of service .

  17. 一艘开往澳大利亚的轮船到水手之家去要一名司炉,原来的司炉因为神经错乱在直布罗陀附近投海自杀了。

    A ship bound for Australia had sent to the Sailors'Home for a stoker in place of one who had thrown himself overboard off Gibraltar in an attack of delirium tremens .

  18. 列出了较常见的锅炉缺水事故处理中的误区,分析其危害,介绍了正确的操作方法,为司炉工正确处理锅炉缺水事故提供了指导。

    Some mistakes about boiler accident caused by water lack is listed herein to analyse its harmfulness , and correct operation methods , which provides guide to solve such accidents are introduced as well .

  19. 也许再过一会,煤堆变低,司炉就要进煤车里面来(铲煤)了。铲煤就是用锹把煤从一个地方移到另一个地方去。

    Later , perhaps , the fireman would have to enter the tender when the pile of fuel got lower . To shovel coal is to move it from one place to another with a shovel .

  20. 对锅炉排放的污染物进行监测可评判锅炉消烟除尘技术、燃烧状况、污染排放是否符合国家标准,同时,也可检验锅炉设备技术指标、司炉人员操作技能并为管理者提供相关科学依据。

    To monitor the pollutants from the boilers can assess if the dust collection technology , combustion condition , and pollutants discharge can meet the national standard , these also provide related scientific base for technological index of testing the boilers and operation .

  21. 燃烧劣质型煤时会造成锅炉热效率降低、出力严重不足、炉膛温度降低、锅炉尾部受热面堵灰腐蚀、增大风机电耗、长期运行可靠性差、司炉劳动强度大等一系列问题。

    It also includes decrease of thermal efficiency , shortage of output , decline of furnace temperature , ash deposite and corrosion of tail heat surface , increase of fan electricity cost , lower reliability of long period running , and bigger stoker labor strength etc.

  22. 介绍了一种用于锅炉供暖量化管理的单片机监测系统,该系统监测锅炉运行中一系列供暖参数,监督指导司炉人员按需供热、计量烧煤,提高供热质量,降低能源消耗。

    Describes a singlechip computer supervision system used for quantified management of heating boilers , which can direct the boiler operators to supply heat based on the need and measure the consumption of coal , so as to improve heating effect and reduce the energy usage .