
sī fǎ dà chén
  • Minister of Justice;secretary of justice
  1. 司法大臣杰克斯特劳(jackstraw)说:内阁也是基于公众的利益做出了这一决定。

    The cabinet , said the justice secretary , Jack Straw , had also based its decision on a calculation of the public interest .

  2. 英国司法大臣肯尼斯克拉克(kenclarke)上月表示,他希望英国成为“世界律师”,并将反对“任何领域的保护主义法规,只要它们继续阻碍英国法律服务的出口”。

    Ken Clarke , justice secretary , said last month that he wanted the UK to be " the lawyer of the world " and would fight " protectionist regulations wherever they remained an impediment to the export of UK legal services " .

  3. 英国司法大臣表示同情受害者们而且他会抵制判决。

    Britain 's justice secretary says his sympathies are with the victims and he 'll resist the ruling .

  4. 他在自己的祖国鲁国曾担任过不同的官职,如地方官和司法大臣。

    He filled with distinction various government posts in Lu , his home state , including that of magistrate and Minister of Justice .

  5. 这位22岁的妻子已经被软禁起来,司法大臣恩杜米索也因“私自闯进他人领地”的罪名被起诉,可能面临被处决的命运。

    The22-year-old wife has been put under house arrest and the minister accused of'trespassing into another man 's home ' , may be executed .

  6. 而当初那个包括迈克尔。赫赛尔廷和克里斯。巴顿的内阁里如今只剩下司法大臣肯。克拉克。

    Only Ken Clarke , the justice secretary , is left from a group that included cabinet ministers such as Michael Heseltine and Chris Patten .

  7. 英国司法大臣兼宪政事务大臣费尔康纳勋爵日前表示,该国将采取新措施减轻受害者和证人出庭作证的压力。

    New measures to reduce the stress for victims and witnesses of giving evidence in court are to be announced by Lord Falconer , the Lord Chancellor .

  8. 司法大臣比阿特丽斯·阿斯克说,我理解住在这些郊区和赫斯比的许多人担忧、不安、愤怒和关切的原因。

    I understand why many people who live in these suburbs and in Husby are worried , upset , angry and concerned , said Justice Minister Beatrice Ask .