
sī mǎ ɡuānɡ
  • prominent statesman;author of the history Zizhi Tongjian
  1. 司马光离开了传统的使用在中国史学。

    Sima Guang left the traditional usage in Chinese historiography .

  2. 司马光是我国历史上一位杰出的编辑家

    SI Ma-guang Was a Most Distinguished Editor in Chinese History

  3. 司马光跑到了水缸边上,可是水缸太大了!

    Sina Guang came over to the vat , but it was so big !

  4. 司马光从儒家的道德原则出发批评人和制度。

    Sima Guang criticized men and institutions from the standpoint of Confucian moral principles .

  5. 论司马光的编辑思想

    On the Editorial Idea of Sima Guang

  6. 司马光的妇女观

    SIMA Guang 's Viewpoint on Women

  7. 山西省夏县司马光墓余庆禅院的建筑

    A Group of Buddhist Buildings in the Precinct of Sima Guang s Tomb at Xiaxian in Shanxi

  8. 司马光以正直闻名,通晓数个学科,官高位显。

    Known for his moral uprightness , he was learned in several disciplines and prominent in government .

  9. 司马光强调礼治,主要是三代之礼。

    The etiquette and ethics advocated by Sima Guang mainly were that of the three ancient dynasties ' .

  10. 1069年至1085年司马光领导了反对改革家王安石激进改革政策的反对派。

    Between 1069 and 1085 he led the faction opposing the radical reforms of the innovator Wang An-shi .

  11. 司马光是北宋杰出的政治家、史学家,同时也是一位诗文著作颇丰的文学家。

    Sima Guang was a good politician , historian . And he was also a prolific writer of poetry .

  12. 司马光与二程的交游过程主要展现他们是道同而志不和的朋友。

    The intercourse between SIMA Guang and ER Cheng mainly unfold that they were the good friends with the disagreement .

  13. 司马光研习儒家经典,通过科举考试之后很快就身居高位。

    Sima Guang studied the Confucian Classics and , after passing his civil-service examinations , rose rapidly to high office .

  14. 司马光在历史上一向以政治和史学著称,同时在经济、军事、文学上也有一定的成就。

    Being famous for politics and history , Sima Guang gained great achievements in economics , military and literature as well .

  15. 作为史学家的司马光,咏史之作与那些以文学才能著称的诗人所作咏史诗判然有别。

    Sima Guang , a historian whose epics are greatly different from the works of other poets known for their literary works .

  16. 随着史学研究的日益深入,学术界对司马光的政治思想已经开始客观分析、综合评价。

    With the further development of historical research , the academe starts to analyze objectively and comment comprehensively to his political thoughts .

  17. 司马光在缸旁看见一块石头,他高高地举起那块石头朝水缸砸了过去!

    Sina Guang found a stone near the vat , and he lifted the stone very high and threw it towards the vat .

  18. 唐开元后的梅岭道与中外商贸交流司马光与二程交游考述

    Mei Ling Road and Domestic and Foreign Intercourse after Kai Yuan in Tan Dynasty The Study of the Intercourse between Sima Guang and Er Cheng

  19. 司马光在史料采择上去除偏见,除采纳正史外,还旁采他史。

    Sima Guang is the historical adoption and remove the bias , in addition to the adoption of the official history , next to the mining history .

  20. 的主要贡献者是司马光,积极采取行动的每一个步骤,从收集事件和日期从不同以往的作品,起草和出版。

    Themajor contributor was Sima Guang , which actively acted in each step , from collecting events and dates from various previous works , todrafting and publication .

  21. 但实际上,当时文坛巨匠王安石、苏轼以及后人对司马光的诗文都有很高赞誉。

    In fact , his poems were highly praised by Wang Anshi and Su Shi , the literary masters at that time , and also by the descendants .

  22. 北宋司马光是集官僚、学者、文人等身份于一身的复合人才,是历史上著名的政治家、史学家和文人。

    Sima-Guang in Song Dynasty is a talent compounded by bureaucrat , academic and other professionals . He is a well-known politician , historian and scholar in history .

  23. 司马光与主流儒学有所不同,他通过“中和”范畴,使儒学各德目统合起来,“中和”在他的思想体系中具有本体意蕴。

    Different form the mainstream of Confucianism , Guang Sima integrates virtue subjects of Confucianism by means of " neutralization " which has an ontological implication in his ideology .

  24. 从编辑素养、对编辑工作的贡献和编辑作品对社会的影响等方面来看,司马光是我国历史上一位杰出的编辑家。

    Yet there were full proof of his being an outstanding editor in ancient China for his editorial accomplishments , contributions to editing and influence of his editorial work on society .

  25. 司马光甚至还编了本《考异》来处理他浩瀚的材料之间的差异,给他偏好某些典据提供了原因。

    He even compiled a separate work , the Kao-yi ( Scrutiny ) , which dealt with the discrepancies in his numerous sources and gave his reasons for preferring certain authorities .

  26. 司马光是北宋时期著名的政治家、思想家和史学家,在文坛上也是一位诗、文俱佳的文学家。

    Sima Guang , the famous politician , thinker and historian in the Northern Song Dynasty , was also a writer quite good at poems and articles in the world of letters .

  27. 司马光去世前不久,最终成功地将王安石的改革派逐出政府,试图废除王安石所有的改革政策。

    Shortly before his death he finally succeeded in dislodging Wang 's faction from the government and became the leading minister in a government that attempted to repeal most of Wang 's reforms .

  28. 直到近代,大多数历史学家都倾向于支持王安石,但是最近的著作表明司马光反对改革的措施并不是很成功。

    Until recent times most historians tended to view Sima Guang favourably and Wang from an opposite viewpoint , but recent historical work has shown that Sima Guang program of antireform measures was not greatly successful .

  29. 司马光的诗歌内容主要侧重于抒发个人的情怀,他的诗歌所反映的主要思想内容有:批判现实与同情人民,乐天知命与中和适意,仕宦之痛与自我追求,以史为鉴与道德评判等。

    His poems mainly express his personal feelings and the major ideological content includes : criticizing realism and sympathizing the people , happy-go-lucky and harmonious thoughts , official pain and self-seeking , taking warning from history and moral judgement .

  30. 司马光对儒家经典的诠释相当保守,他认为改良政府应该通过道德上的引导,而不是通过武断的措施;应该通过检验政府优化它的机能,而不是通过激烈的变革。

    Conservative in his interpretation of the Confucian Classics , Ssu-ma argued for the cause of good government through moral leadership rather than by assertive measures and through the improved functioning of tested institutions rather than by drastic changes .