
sī zhǎng
  • director;subministry department chief;head of a subministry department
司长[sī zhǎng]
  1. 但是,联合国贸发会投资和企业司司长詹晓宁(JamesZhan)警告说,海外直接投资复苏可能面临几个风险。

    But , UNCTAD Director of Division on Investment and Enterprise James Zhan warns of several risks related to the recovery of FDI .

  2. “这些快速检测方法是疟疾控制方面的一项重大突破,”世卫组织全球疟疾规划司司长RobertNewman说。

    " These rapid tests have been a major breakthrough in malaria control ," said Dr Robert Newman , Director of WHO 's Global Malaria Programme .

  3. 很多是恨耶稣的人。马太福音27章40-42节讲到,这些人说:“你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧!”祭司长和文士并长老也是这样戏弄他,说:“他救了别人,不能救自己。

    Most were enemies of the Lord Jesus and in Matthew 27 : 40-42 we read that they cried out , " If you are the Son of God , come down from the cross . The chief priests mocked him , with the scribes and elders , saying , " He saved others ; but he cannot save himself .

  4. 中国国家外汇管理局(safe)国际收支司司长管涛发表这番言论后,周二美元汇率应声下跌,令人更加担心仍在挣扎中的美国经济。

    The comments by Guan Tao , head of the international payments department in the State Administration of foreign exchange , knocked the dollar on Tuesday , adding to fears about the struggling US economy .

  5. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)表示,香港面临发展商品期货市场的巨大机遇。

    John Tsang , Hong Kong 's financial secretary , said there was a huge opportunity for Hong Kong to develop a commodities futures market .

  6. “许多国家已经制订了这类措施,”世卫组织无烟草行动司司长VeraLuizadaCostaeSilva博士说。

    " Many countries have already put these measures in place ," said Dr Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva , Director of the Tobacco Free Initiative at the WHO .

  7. ManuelDayrit博士来自菲律宾,是卫生人力资源司司长。

    Dr Manuel Dayrit , from the Philippines , is the Director for Human Resources for Health .

  8. 最后,KevinDeCock博士来自美利坚合众国,是艾滋病毒/艾滋病司司长。

    Finally , Dr Kevin DeCock , who is from the United States of America , is the Director for HIV / AIDS .

  9. 执掌这家香港蓝筹股企业的郭氏兄弟昨日凌晨获准保释,一同获释的还有香港前第二高官前政务司司长许仕仁(rafaelhui)。

    The brothers , who run the Hong Kong blue-chip , were released on bail early yesterday morning , together with Rafael Hui , formerly the second-most senior official in the government of the territory .

  10. “这些照片向我们展示了感染艾滋病毒的真人面孔,该病造成的毁灭性破坏,以及为什么应当维持全球承诺和行动的理由,”世卫组织艾滋病毒/艾滋病司司长JimKim博士说。

    " These photos show us the real faces of HIV , the devastation it causes , and the reason why global commitment and action should be sustained ," said Dr Jim Kim , HIV / AIDS Director of WHO .

  11. 他们特别将矛头指向了澳门前运输工务司司长欧文龙(AoMan-long)腐败案,欧文龙去年12月因涉嫌受贿而被捕。

    In particular , they point to the case against Ao Man-long , the former secretary for transport and works arrested last December on bribery charges .

  12. “对千年发展目标长期供资的全球政治承诺是至关重要的,”世卫组织千年发展目标、卫生和发展政策司司长AndrewCassels博士说。

    " Global political commitment for long-term financing of the MDGs is crucial ," said Dr Andrew Cassels , WHO Director of MDGs , Health and Development Policy .

  13. 香港财政司司长曾俊华(JohnTsang)在周日发表的一篇博客文章中称,他非常担心香港当前面临的政治风险可能会引发一场“完美的金融经济风暴”。

    In an entry posted to his personal blog Sunday , Financial Secretary John Tsang said he was very worried that the cloud of political uncertainty looming over Hong Kong could help to bring about a ' perfect economic storm . '

  14. 外界将目前的情况与1998年进行了比较,当时的财政司司长、现任香港特首曾荫权(DonaldTsang)投入150亿美元以维护钉住汇率机制,并驱离押注于港元贬值的投机者。

    Comparisons have been made to 1998 when the then financial secretary and now chief executive of Hong Kong , Donald Tsang , spent $ 15bn to protect the peg and drive away speculators betting on a devaluation .

  15. HirokiNakatani博士来自日本,到世卫组织任助理总干事之前是厚生省残疾人卫生与福利司司长。

    Dr Hiroki Nakatani of Japan was Director-General at the Department of Health and Welfare of Disabled Persons before joining WHO as Assistant Director-General .

  16. 工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,今年上半年5G手机的出货量达到8623万部。截至6月底,联网5G手机有6600万部。

    Shipments of 5G phones reached 86.23 million units in China , with 5G package users hitting 66 million by the end of June , said Wen Ku , head of information and communication at the ministry .

  17. “真正的悲剧在于体重过重和肥胖及其相关的慢性病在很大程度上是可以预防的,”世卫组织慢性病和健康促进司司长RobertBeaglehole博士说。

    " The real tragedy is that overweight and obesity , and their related chronic diseases , are largely preventable ," said Dr Robert Beaglehole , WHO Director of Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion .

  18. 例如在柬埔寨,教育部研究司的司长ChanRoath说政府研究员的工资甚至没法支付基本开销。

    For example in Cambodia , Chan Roath , director of the Department of Research in the Ministry of Education , said that a government researcher 's salary does not even cover basic expenses .

  19. “墨西哥已认识到将遭受气候变化造成的严重影响,”RicardoOchoa,墨西哥财政部国际司司长表示。

    " Mexico has recognized it will be heavily impacted by the effects of climate change ," says Ricardo Ochoa , Head of the International Affairs Unit of the Ministry of Finance .

  20. “世卫组织及其会员国正在慢慢但不可阻挡地向前推进,逐步控制烟草的流行,”世卫组织无烟草行动司司长DouglasBettcher说。

    " Slowly but inexorably , WHO and its Member States are making progress in controlling the epidemic of tobacco ," said Dr Douglas Bettcher , Director of the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative .

  21. 工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,国内首部5G手机预计2019年下半年推出。

    China 's first 5G mobile phone is expected to be released during the second half of 2019 , said Wen Ku , director of the telecom development department at China 's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology .

  22. Danzon博士还担任过欧洲区域办事处国家卫生发展司司长和健康促进与疾病预防司司长。

    Dr Danzon has also served as Director of the EURO Department for Country Health Development and Director of the Department of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention .

  23. 欧盟委员会内部市场总司长乔根霍尔姆奎斯特(jrgenholmquist)在给iasb的信中,敦促其“赶紧”考虑进一步的改革措施。

    In the letter to IASB , J rgen Holmquist , director general of internal markets at the European Commission , urges the IASB " urgently " to consider further changes .

  24. 工业和信息化部信息通信发展司司长闻库在新闻发布会上表示:“技术测试的第三阶段将确保公司能够做好预先商用的5G电信产品。”

    Wen Ku , director of the telecom development department at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , said at a news conference that " the third phase of technical tests is to ensure that companies are capable of making pre-commercial 5G products . "

  25. 国家卫计委科教司司长秦怀金表示,近年来,我国已建立跨机构、跨区域的传染病检测网络,为应对H1N1流感、寨卡热等重大疫情的行动提供了支持。

    Over the years , China has developed an inter-agency and inter-regional network for detecting communicable diseases , which has supported efforts to address major epidemics such as H1N1 flu and Zika fever , said Qin Huaijin , an official in charge of science and education at the National Health and Family Planning Commission .

  26. “如果不解决这类重点人群的艾滋病毒特定需求,我们就不能想象会完全扭转艾滋病毒在全球的蔓延,”世卫组织艾滋病毒/艾滋病司司长GottfriedHirnschall博士说。

    " We cannot imagine fully reversing the global spread of HIV without addressing the specific HIV needs of these key populations ," said Dr Gottfried Hirnschall , WHO 's Director of HIV / AIDS Department .

  27. 当前高等医药教育的形势和任务&国家教育委员会高等教育司王镭副司长答本刊记者问

    The Current Situation and Tasks of Higher Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

  28. 我正在个别会见总部的所有司长。

    I am holding personal meetings with all directors at headquarters .

  29. 我还不知道新司长在惩罚你。

    I didn 't know the new director was punishing you .

  30. 香港财政司司长唐英年承认关切。

    Hong Kong Financial Secretary Henry Tang acknowledged the concern .