
  • 网络judicial review
  1. 美国外国投资委员会的决定不会面对司法复核,但要向美国国会汇报。

    In the US , there is no judicial review of CFIUS decisions , but there is reporting to Congress .

  2. 何婉琪已在最后一刻提出司法复核,对香港监管机构和交易所批准澳博上市发起了挑战。预计法院裁定将于9日公布。

    Mr Ho 's sister has launched a last-minute judicial review challenging the approval of SJM 's listing by the Hong Kong regulator and stock exchange , with a ruling expected today .

  3. 94例精神疾病司法复核鉴定案例回顾性分析

    Retrospective Analysis of 94 cases of Mental illness for Judicatory Re-authentication

  4. 司马文称,在此期间,对该项目感到担忧的人士可能会申请对城市规划委员会决定的司法复核,以阻止该方案被继续推进。

    In the meantime , those concerned about the plan may file for judicial review of the planning board 's decision to try and prevent it from proceeding , said Mr. Zimmerman .

  5. 澳博在法院发布裁决之前宣布推迟上市。它表示,何婉琪的司法复核诉讼,构成了重大的新信息,这对投资者能够作出明智评估可能具有实质重要性。

    SJM announced the delay before the court issued its ruling , saying that Ms Ho 's judicial review proceedings constitute significant new information which might be material to investors ' ability to make an informed assessment .

  6. 与经典的英国威斯敏斯特政体相比,美国政治体制的问题尤其明显。英国采用的是简单多数票当选的议会制,没有联邦或分权制度,也没有成文宪法或司法复核。

    The problems of the US system are all too apparent when compared with the classic British Westminster system : parliamentary , with first-past-the-post voting , no federalism or decentralisation , and no written constitution or judicial review .