
  • 网络salary tax
  1. 这东西不允许免税进口。薪俸税的免缴税入息额

    This article is not allowed to be imported duty-free . salaries tax threshold

  2. 既然销售税是直接影响个人的支出,所以在薪俸税中作出让步是比较适合。

    Since sales tax affects individuals directly , salaries tax concessions are considered appropriate .

  3. 估计应缴薪俸税税款,助你预早安排交税;

    Compute your estimated salaries tax payable to help you make payment plan early ;

  4. 有关薪俸税/个人入息课税计算办法说明

    Notes on Computation of Salaries Tax / Personal Assessment salaries tax borne by the employer

  5. 不过,他们当中确实有多少人缴纳薪俸税,我们并没有这方面的统计数字。

    However , we do not have statistics on how many actually pay salaries tax .

  6. 股份奖赏和股份认购权利益如何课缴薪俸税?

    How to tax benefits related to stock awards and share options how are these benefits assessed ?

  7. 任何已婚夫妇,不论是否香港居民,都可选择用合并评税方式计算薪俸税。

    Any married couple may elect joint assessment under salaries tax , irrespective of their resident status .

  8. 在薪俸税下,丈夫与妻子会被当作独立的个别人士分开评税。

    Husband and wife are treated as separate individuals and they are assessed separately under salaries tax .

  9. 假若我将来行使这些股份认购权,我是否须就股份认购权利益缴付香港薪俸税?

    Do I have to pay Hong Kong salaries tax on the share option gain if I exercise the options in the future ?

  10. 此外,我们还提供电脑软件,帮助您编印员工薪俸税申报表,以便呈交税务局。

    Besides , we also provide you a computer software that can automate the compilation of employee salary tax returns to Inland Revenue .

  11. 人口老化会引致政府在医疗和社会福利方面的支出增加,但缴纳薪俸税的人数却会减少。

    Health and social welfare costs associated with the ageing population would increase , while the number of salaries tax payers would decrease .

  12. 信用卡应收帐款总额减少,是由季节因素造成,其中包括以信用卡缴付薪俸税的影响减退。

    The decrease in total card receivables reflected seasonal factors , including the receding effect of the payment of salary taxes by credit card .

  13. 如你须缴纳薪俸税或已选择个人入息课税,则你在任何课税年度可享有基本免税额。

    If you are assessed to salaries tax or have elected personal assessment , you are entitled to basic allowance for any year of assessment .

  14. 这网页不但载有本港各个税务条例,还提供本港税收概况和计算薪俸税等各方面的税务资料。

    We can check over different duty ordinances , the revenue in Hong Kong as well as salaries tax computation , etc. from this web page .

  15. 本册子资料,包括内地居民在香港工作所得的入息须缴薪俸税或是可免缴薪俸税。

    This booklet includes information on whether a mainland resident who derives income from employment in Hong Kong is subject to or exempt from salaries tax .

  16. 纳税人已经停止,或者会在暂缴税课税年度终结前停止赚取应课薪俸税入息。

    The person has ceased , or will before the end of the year of assessment for which provisional tax was charged cease , to derive income chargeable to salaries tax .

  17. 曾荫权建议对中产人士宽减税项,把薪俸税和利得税减至15%,是他政纲中即时最令人注目的措施。

    Tsang 's suggestion of tax relief for the middle class and the slashing of salaries and profits tax to15 percent , remained the most immediately eye-catching measures of his platform .

  18. 此外,只有40%的香港劳动者缴纳薪俸税,10%的注册企业缴纳利得税。

    On top of that , only 40 percent of Hong Kong 's work force pays salary tax , while only 10 percent of registered companies pay any tax on profits .

  19. 调查显示,销售税一半的反对者接受提高最高薪俸税的税率,以作为扩阔税基的替代措施。

    Half of the opponents of the controversial goods and services tax ( GST ) would accept an increase in the top salaries tax rate as an alternative measure to broaden the tax base .

  20. 梁振英对他应披露这笔款项的要求予以拒绝,并表示自己没有义务支付薪俸税,因为这笔钱是一份竞业禁止协议的一部分,不必缴税。

    Mr Leung has rejected the claims that he should have revealed the payments and said he was under no obligation to pay salaries tax , since the money was part of a non-compete deal that was not taxable .