
xīn cái
  • Fuelwood;yule logs
薪材[xīn cái]
  1. 目前可能提供的薪材量为76万m3,仅为需求量的475%。

    The fuel wood amount currently available was 76 000 m 3 , which was only 47 5 % of the total demand .

  2. Rhizophoras是家用好薪材,在马来西亚和泰国被商业性采伐,或由渔民和村民采集。

    Rhizophoras are favoured as fuelwood for domestic purposes and are commercially removed as in the case of Malayisa and Thailand , or collected by fishermen and villagers .

  3. 海南省中北部丘陵地区优良速生薪材树种的选择

    Fine and fast-growing fuelwood species selection in the Central-North Hainan Province

  4. 四川省薪材资源评价及分区

    An Evaluation of Fuelwood Resources in Sichuan and their Zoning

  5. 元阳县薪材树种生物量的初步研究

    An initial study of the biomass of firewood trees in Yuanyang County

  6. 杨树还可为森林产业提供木材、纤维和薪材。

    Poplars also provide wood , fibre and fuelwood for forest industries .

  7. 闽北林区薪材消耗及其影响因子

    A Drain on Fuel Woods and Its Effect Factor in North Fujian

  8. 元阳薪材树种研究

    A study on fuel forest trees in Yuanyang County

  9. 薪材日益昂贵和稀缺,既买不起又拣不到。

    Fuelwood is becoming too expensive to buy and too scarce to gather .

  10. 铁杆芭茅的薪材特性及其营造技术研究

    Fuelwood Characteristics of Common Reed and its Silvicultural Techniques

  11. 四川盆地薪材树种选择及栽培技术研究

    Research on Selection of Fuelwood Species and Their Silvicultural Techniques in the Sichuan Basin

  12. 我国北方低山丘陵易旱区薪材资源开发技术体系的研究

    The Study on Technology Development System of Fuel Forest Resources in the North China

  13. 以芳香油和薪材为最终产品的桉树幼林地上部分生物量研究

    Biomass Studies in Young Eucalypt Plantations for Oil and Fuelwood Production in Southwestern China

  14. 热带薪材林经营技术的研究

    Study on Techniques for Management of Tropical Fuelwoods

  15. 世界薪材消耗的现状、问题及我国的对策

    The Present Status and Problems of Fuelwood Consumption in the World and the Countermeasures in China

  16. 滇中高原及干热河谷薪材树种热值研究

    A study on calorific value of fuelwood species in the Xerothermic Valley and in the central Yunnan Plateau

  17. 积极采取措施加快江西林业三剩物和次小薪材综合利用的步伐

    Taking Measure Actively and Speeding up Comrehensive Use of Three Remains and Shoddy and Little Fuelwood in Jiangxi Forestry

  18. 另一方面,妇女负责收集薪材和动物饲料、喂养家畜、采集林产品。

    On the other hand , women are responsible for collecting firewood and fodder , managing livestock and are the main collectors of minor forest products .

  19. 林产品品种多:生产许多种产品;作为能源种植林,甚至小疏伐枝桠也可用作薪材。

    Diversity of forest products : a wide range of products are produced and as bioenergy plantations even the smaller thinnings may be used as firewood .

  20. 自然资源得到了保护:肆意放牧、生计农业、薪材采集以及坡地作物种植致使黄土高原大片地区遭到毁坏。

    Natural resources were protected : Uncontrolled grazing , subsistence farming , fuel wood gathering and cultivation of crops on slopes had left huge areas of the Plateau devastated .

  21. 因此,在科学保护传统民居文化的前提下,通过推广节材民居类型,改良现有建筑结构,降低民用材和薪材消耗;

    On the premise of scientifically protecting traditional dwellings , it was concluded that forest resources consumption would be decreased through improving the structure of existing dwellings and promoting timber-saving ones .

  22. 木质林产品的各个碳库按照碳储量的大小排序为:长期填埋场长期产品垃圾场中期产品能量(薪材)短期产品。

    According to the carbon storage value of different woody forest products carbon pools , the order is : long-term landfill long-term products dump mid-term products energy ( firewood ) short-term products .

  23. 薪材及木炭和/或工业圆木依赖进口的国家包括巴林、塞浦路斯、马尔他、毛里求斯以及南太平洋地区一些更小的国家。

    Countries which rely on imports for fuelwood and charcoal and / or industrial roundwood include Bahrain , Cyprus , Malta and Mauritius and some of the smaller states in the South Pacific region .

  24. 通过分析薪材、工业原木、针叶材、人造板、木纸浆、其他纤维纸浆、再生纸和纸和纸板生产世界前5强,评价中国的生产地位。

    The production positions of China were evaluated according to analysis wood fuel , industrial round wood , sawn wood , wood-based panels , wood pulp , other fibre pulp , recovered paper and paper and paperboard in the highest production 5 nations of the word .

  25. 通过进行农村能源建设,调整能源结构,利用沼气、水电等清洁能源代替薪材,可减少森林资源的低价值消耗,保护现有的森林资源。

    If energy structure in these places can be modulated through energy construction of adopting clean energy resources of methane , hydropower to replace firewood consumption , the low-cost consumption of energy forestry resources will be decreased so that the current forestry resources can be conserved .

  26. 对广南县森林资源现状及消耗量动态分析得出:广南县森林资源的消耗主要是农村薪材的低价值消耗,且消大于长。

    The analysis of current situation of forestry resources and their dynamic consumption quantity of Guangnan County , indicates that the consumption quantity of forestry resources of Guangnan County mainly come from the low-cost firewood materials in rural areas and the consumption speed is faster than that of growth .