
xīn zī
  • salary;pay;wage;get
薪资 [xīn zī]
  • [salary;wage;pay] 薪金

薪资[xīn zī]
  1. 作为首屈一指的律师,他可望拿到六位数的薪资。

    As a top lawyer , he can expect to command a six-figure salary .

  2. 接受教师培训通常可以快速开启职业生涯,而且薪资前景也不错。

    Teacher training usually promises a quick career start and good salary prospects .

  3. 护士的薪资应该多一点。

    Nurses ought to earn more .

  4. 公共部门的薪资也很可能受到重创。

    Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard .

  5. 在这一新的薪资弹性化政策中吃亏的是女性。

    Women have lost out in this new pay flexibility

  6. 公立学校的主要问题是教师的薪资太低。

    The state schools ' main problem is that teachers ' pay is so bad

  7. 法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷已开始了为期3天的罢工。

    French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay

  8. 推销员的基本薪资很低,他们挣的大部分钱来自佣金。

    Door-to-door salesmen usually have a low basic wage and earn most of their money on commission .

  9. 至于薪酬这一块,虽然这里给出的条件远高于大多数毕业生的薪资,但是他曾经听说过BAT这些巨头那高得令人乍舌的起薪;

    And for the payment part , though what the institution offered is way higher than what most fresh graduates can get , but he had heard about the surprisingly high starting salary that BAT pay their employees .

  10. 所谓的“跳槽价值”指你的当前薪资与潜在雇主招募你时承诺的薪资之间的差距。

    Jump value is the monetary difference between your current salary and what potential employers are courting you with .

  11. 慢慢的,salarium(源于拉丁语salarius,指“盐的”)一词逐渐用来指代发给士兵的军饷以及发给罗马帝国所有官员的钱资,直至后来,用来统指“薪水、薪资”。

    Over time , salarium ( from the Latin3 salarius , ' of salt ' ) came to refer simply to money paid the soldiers , and then to monies paid to any official of the Roman Empire , and eventually to wages in general .

  12. 总体而言,MBA毕业生的薪资水平在2010年似乎有所恢复。

    Overall , alumni salaries appear to have recovered in 2010 .

  13. 薪资和HR应用程序模式都可实现用户注册表可重用组件。

    Both the Payroll and HR application patterns can implement the user registry reusable component .

  14. 如果员工的薪资比政府设置的薪资上限要高,那么HM公司会补上高出的那一部分。

    HM pays the difference if an employee 's salary goes above the government-set salary cap .

  15. 美联储(fed)主席本伯南克(benbernanke)也表达了对薪资和收入趋势的担忧。

    Ben Bernanke , chairman of the Federal Reserve , has also aired worries about wage and income trends .

  16. 由于担心利润下滑,奥斯汀票务经纪公司TicketCity的创始人兰迪•科恩2008年一度进行了裁员,并削减了经理人员薪资。

    Worried that profits were declining , Randy Cohen , founder of ticket city , an Austin-based ticket broker , laid off workers and cut managers ' pay in 2008 .

  17. sas公司的薪资制度似乎违反了产业协定,他们为什么能够不受约束呢?

    Why has SAS been able to get away with a compensation system that seems to violate industry conventions ?

  18. 经济形势的改善传统上总会导致MBA申请人数增加,一定程度上是因为潜在雇主加大了校园招聘的力度,并向MBA应届毕业生提供更加丰厚的薪资。

    Improved economic conditions traditionally lead to more MBA applications , partly because potential employers step up their campus recruiting and offer new MBAs more money .

  19. “哈佛的MBA学员近期毕业。薪资也已反弹。在哈佛商学院(MBA薪资的风向标),2012届毕业生的薪资中值预计将达到12.5万美元,高于之前的12万美元。

    At Harvard , the bellwether for MBA pay , the median for the class of 2012 is expected to be $ 125000 , up from $ 120000 .

  20. 欧洲银行业监管委员会(committeeofeuropeanbankingsupervisors)(由所有27个欧盟成员国代表组成)在伦敦召开会议,以实施欧盟在夏季达成的严格薪资规定。

    The Committee of European banking supervisors made up of representatives of all 27 EU countries has been meeting in London to implement the tough pay rules agreed by the EU over the summer .

  21. 在欧洲所有商学院中,高管MBA校友在毕业3年后的平均薪资为14.3万美元,管理硕士毕业生为5.4万美元。

    Across all European schools , the average salary of alumni three years after graduation ranges from $ 143,000 for executive MBA graduates to $ 54,000 for MiM graduates .

  22. 在毕业三年后的平均工资这个类别上,斯坦福大学商学院的优势越来越明显,且据校友报道,该院MBA毕业生平均薪资过去6年来都是最高的。

    Stanford has increasingly dominated the category for the average salaries earned by alumni three years after graduation , and alumni have reported the highest post-MBA salaries for the past six years .

  23. 但是高薪就业机会复苏也不一定全是好消息,人们对男女之间的薪资差距感到担忧在mba毕业生中,女性只占三分之一左右。

    But the return of high-paying jobs might not be all good news , with concerns of salary disparities between men and women the latter making up only about a third of MBA graduates .

  24. 相比之下,营收剧增使得美国竞争对手高盛(goldmansachs)在提高平均薪资的同时,仍将薪酬比率降低逾4个百分点,达37.9%。

    By contrast , a sharp revenue increase allowed us rival Goldman Sachs to increase average pay and still bring down its ratio by more than 4 percentage points to 37.9 per cent .

  25. 薪资谈判专家JackChapman也同意这个观点,并补充说:“你的上司要给你减薪并非会这样说‘我们要给你减薪,需要征得你的同意。’”

    Salary negotiations expert Jack Chapman agrees , adding ," It usually isn 't presented as , 'This is what we 're doing , and we need your approval . ' "

  26. 巴克马斯特用现有的薪资,与合伙人共同租下了旧金山一幢不错的别墅,这位合伙人也为craigslist工作。

    He spends his existing salary renting a nice house in San Francisco with his partner , who also works for Craigslist .

  27. 尽管中国经济飞速发展,薪资大幅增长,人们普遍感觉中国正在崛起,但最新的盖洛普健康调查(GallupWellbeingSurvey)表明,大多数中国人情绪都很低落。

    Despite soaring growth , surging wages , and a general feeling that China is ' on the up ', the latest Gallup Wellbeing Survey suggests that most Chinese people are down in the dumps .

  28. 排名所用的指标分三大类:校友薪资和职业发展,商学院及其mba课程的多样性和国际化程度,以及商学院的研究能力。

    The criteria used in the rankings are grouped into three main areas : alumni salaries and career development , the diversity and international reach of the business school and its MBA programme , and the research capabilities of each school .

  29. 尤其是,该项目学员的平均薪资(32.4万美元)排名第二,仅次于凯洛格-香港科大(Kellogg-HKUST)EMBA项目的学员(40.8万美元)。

    In particular , the alumni have the second highest salary on average ( $ 324000 ) behind alumni from the Kellogg / HKUST programme ( $ 408000 ) .

  30. 如果你打算换工作或转行,Warriner认为你应该定制你的薪资期望。

    If you 're changing careers or moving into a different industry , Warriner says you should tailor your salary expectations .