
xīn fèng
  • salary;pay;stipend
薪俸 [xīn fèng]
  • [salary; pay] 薪水,俸给的合称

薪俸[xīn fèng]
  1. 平均薪俸与教育时间之长短有互相的关联。

    The average salary is correlated with length of education .

  2. 这是我1995年至1996年度薪俸税单。

    Here is my salary tax form for the year ninety_five to ninety_six .

  3. 俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)校长E·戈登·吉(E.GordonGee)于2013年卸任,任内最后一年他的薪俸超过了600万美元,当时媒体广为报道。

    For E. Gordon Gee 's final year as the president of Ohio State University , which he left in 2013 , he got a package of more than $ 6 million , as was widely reported .

  4. 任何执委会之成员在CQARA工作时不得领取薪俸及补偿。

    No officer of EC member shall be eligible for any salaried or compensated position within CQARA .

  5. 近代中国使领人员薪俸待遇之考察

    On Salaries for Diplomatic and Consulate Officials in Modern China

  6. 每年还有五十镑一笔薪俸。

    There will moreover be a stipend of fifty pounds a year .

  7. 这东西不允许免税进口。薪俸税的免缴税入息额

    This article is not allowed to be imported duty-free . salaries tax threshold

  8. 估计应缴薪俸税款是怎样计算出来的?

    What is the basis of calculation of the estimated salaries tax payable ?

  9. 例:总督的薪俸极高。

    The governor is paid a very high stipend .

  10. 既然销售税是直接影响个人的支出,所以在薪俸税中作出让步是比较适合。

    Since sales tax affects individuals directly , salaries tax concessions are considered appropriate .

  11. 估计应缴薪俸税税款,助你预早安排交税;

    Compute your estimated salaries tax payable to help you make payment plan early ;

  12. 有关薪俸税/个人入息课税计算办法说明

    Notes on Computation of Salaries Tax / Personal Assessment salaries tax borne by the employer

  13. 这些士兵离乡背井,而且时常好几个月都没拿到薪俸。

    These soldiers were far away from home and often weren 't paid for months .

  14. 不过,他们当中确实有多少人缴纳薪俸税,我们并没有这方面的统计数字。

    However , we do not have statistics on how many actually pay salaries tax .

  15. 他们连做梦也没有想到的优厚薪俸。

    A salary beyond their wildest dreams .

  16. 什么薪俸气象学家不赚?

    What salaries do meteorologists earn ?

  17. 公务及司法人员薪俸及服务条件咨询委员会联合秘书处

    Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service

  18. 我拿着薪俸审案子,在审判中展雄才(布鲁斯卡特勒)

    I get paid to try cases and to do my thing on trial ( Bruce Cutler )

  19. 股份奖赏和股份认购权利益如何课缴薪俸税?

    How to tax benefits related to stock awards and share options how are these benefits assessed ?

  20. 使领人员薪俸是指国家供给外交官领事官职业的物质报酬。

    The salaries refer to the material payment provided by the country to the diplomats by trade .

  21. 任何已婚夫妇,不论是否香港居民,都可选择用合并评税方式计算薪俸税。

    Any married couple may elect joint assessment under salaries tax , irrespective of their resident status .

  22. 确定城市用地地价的技术已成为一项高度专门化的、薪俸很高的职业。

    The technique of determining city land values has developed into a highly specialized and well-paid profession .

  23. 在薪俸税下,丈夫与妻子会被当作独立的个别人士分开评税。

    Husband and wife are treated as separate individuals and they are assessed separately under salaries tax .

  24. 要提出对自己有利的条件-要求财富和报酬-为巴特勒要求职位和薪俸。

    You should make terms of advantage for yourself ask wealth and reward office and income for butler .

  25. 管理一座毛三百工人的绸厂总经理的薪俸只有二百五!

    A mere two hundred and fifty dollars for managing a silk goods factory employing over three hundred workers !

  26. 米里哀先生以主教身份从政府领得一万五千法郎的薪俸。

    M.Myriel received from the State , in his quality of bishop , a salary of fifteen thousand francs .

  27. 为甚么只计算估计应缴薪俸税款而不计算估计应缴物业税款或利得税款?

    Why the system only computes estimated salaries tax payable but not the estimated property tax or profits tax liabilities ?

  28. 过滥的惩戒和入不敷出的薪俸,严重影响了县长治理县政的积极性。

    In addition , abusive retribution and deficits in the salaries seriously affected the county magistrates ' positivity of county government .

  29. 计算应缴薪俸税款则较为复杂,须比较累进税率和标准税率,以确定何者适用。

    In regard to salaries tax , it is relatively more complicated since progressive tax rate or standard tax rate may apply .

  30. 假若我将来行使这些股份认购权,我是否须就股份认购权利益缴付香港薪俸税?

    Do I have to pay Hong Kong salaries tax on the share option gain if I exercise the options in the future ?