
  1. 在中期检查通过后应对证书进行签注。

    The certificate shall be endorsed following satisfactory intermediate inspection .

  2. 住宅性能认定中期检查指标体系建立的研究

    Research on establishing the index system of medium-term inspection for commercial housing performance evaluation

  3. 审视基金利用亚洲开发银行贷款项目如何做好中期检查

    Reviewing Funds How to have a medium-term examination for the project loaned from Asia Development Bank

  4. 利用亚洲开发银行贷款项目如何做好中期检查四川省世行贷款血防项目健康教育中期评价

    Mid-term assessment of project on health education in implementing World Bank loan program for schistosomiasis control in Sichuan Province

  5. 中期检查的范围和深度应与证书换证检查相同。

    The scope and depth of the intermediate inspection shall be equal to an inspection for renewal of the certificate .

  6. 如果在中期检查时,只有部分的颜色和数量,则尽可能地多查一些尺寸和数量。

    If all sizes and colours are not available at the time of In-Line Inspection , then as many sizes and colour as possible should be inspected .

  7. 超声检查在异常双胎妊娠中的临床价值妊娠中期心电图检查的临床意义(附841例分析)

    The Clinical Value of Electrocardiogram During Mid Trimester of Pregnancy ( Analysis of 841 Cases )

  8. 孕中期B超检查做为产前常规筛查可提高胎儿染色体异常的检出率。

    As one method of prenatal screening , ultrasound in the second trimester could increase the antenatal detection rate of fetal chromosomal abnormality .

  9. 在检查前一定要看回中期的检查报告记录和包括尺码表。

    The Quality Control file for the order must be reviewed , including the Purchase Order , Garment Specification , and In-Line Inspection Report .

  10. 通过对企业成本管理的研究,详述了企业在投标工作、中标后责任分解、项目责任成本管理、施工现场管理、施工中期成本检查等方面的思路。

    Through research on enterprises cost control some ideas in enterprise tender , division of responsibility , protect responsibility cost control , job location management and cost check are discussed .

  11. 结果中期妊娠检查时发现胎儿脉络膜囊肿10例,其中单侧9例,双侧1例,均未合并其他超声检查异常,随访至孕28周脉络膜囊肿消失,出生后新生儿无异常发现。

    Case was bilateral . All of them were not associated with other sonographic anomalies . Cysts disappeared completely by 26 weeks ' gestation , and neurobehavioral outcome of newborns were normal .

  12. 影艺的政治:一九三○年代中期中央电影检查委员会研究

    The Politics of Filmaking : An Investigation of the Central Film Censorship Committee in the Mid 1930s

  13. 在论文阶段的中期,进行阶段检查和中期考核。

    Phase-by-phase examinations are to be conducted on the thesis .

  14. 全国结核病防治工作规划中期执行情况的检查

    Implementation of mid term national tuberculosis control programme

  15. 爱德华:分裂中期,你想检查一下吗?

    You want to check it ?