
  • 网络Social Science Information
  1. 自然科学与社会科学信息资源共享初探

    Preliminary Exploration of Nature Science & Social Science Information Resources Sharing

  2. 做好社会科学信息工作,为陕西经济发展服务

    Do a Good Job in Social Science Information Work and Provide Service for Economic Development in Shaanxi Province

  3. Internet在社会科学信息翻译中的应用

    Applications of Internet in the translation of society information

  4. 本文分析了传统的学科信息门户建设中的不足和web2.0模式的特征,提出了web2.0模式下学科信息门户的要求,进而在中国社会科学信息门户的建设中进行了试验。

    This paper analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional subject information gateway establishment and the characteristics of web 2.0.The paper also proposes the requirements of subject information gateway under web 2.0 , which has been used to establish the Chinese Social Sciences Information gateway .

  5. 体育人文社会科学信息资源导航库的构建

    The Building Of Information Resources Navigation For Sports Humanism Social Science

  6. 人文社会科学信息源的检索和利用

    Retrieval and using of the information source of humanities and social sciences

  7. 网上中文社会科学信息资源利用研究&在校与非在校用户对比分析

    The Research on the Use of Chinese Social-Science Information Resources on the Internet : The Comparison between the Use of Users in and out of University

  8. 提升人文社会科学文献信息服务水平

    Improving Documentation and Information Service Level in Humanities and Social Sciences

  9. 社会科学学术信息是社会科学研究最主要的信息类型。

    Academic information is the main source of social study .

  10. 网络社科信息资源的开发利用社会科学学术信息是社会科学研究最主要的信息类型。

    The Exploitation of Social Science Information on Internet Academic information is the main source of social study .

  11. 然而,随着社会和科学信息技术的发展,人们更希望在物流运输配送管理上能够实时的满足他们的需求。

    However , as social and scientific development of information technology , people prefer to transport logistics can real-time meet their needs .

  12. 所开设的课程涵盖管理类、社会科学、信息科技以及环境等多个学科。

    The courses on offer cover a wide range of disciplines , including management , social sciences , information technology and the environment .

  13. 当前社会科学和信息技术迅速发展,网络教学在全球快速发展和普及应用。

    The rapid development of the social science and information technology witnesses rapid development and widespread applications of E-teaching and learning ( or on-line teaching ) .

  14. 因特网的发展和数字化社会科学文献信息量的日益增多,使数字化馆藏建设成为党校图书馆信息资源建设的重要内容。

    Internet development and digitalized literature information volume of social science that daily growing , makes digital storage construction to become a momentous content of party 's library information resource construction .

  15. 本文分析了农业院校图书馆在人文社会科学文献信息服务中面临的新挑战,论述了人文社会科学文献信息服务的现状、作用和问题,提出提升人文社会科学文献信息服务水平的措施与思路

    This paper analyzes new challenges facing by the service of documentation and information in humanities and social sciences in agricultural university libraries , describes the current status , role and problem of this kind of service , and puts forward countermeasures and new thought on improving this kind of service

  16. 浅谈社会科学图书馆的信息资源建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Information Resources in Social Science Libraries

  17. 人文社会科学研究人员信息搜集的行为规则分析

    An Analysis of Behaviors of Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences

  18. 河南师范大学2002年度人文社会科学研究统计信息分析

    Annual Analysis On Humanities and Social Science Research of Henan Normal University

  19. 辽宁社会科学院社科信息网构建研究

    A study on social sciences information net construction of Liaoning academy of social sciences

  20. 网络环境下人文社会科学研究人员信息需求特点和服务策略初探

    Characteristics and Service Strategy of Social Sciences Researcher 's Information Demand under Network Environment

  21. 地方社科院文献信息部门应针对新时期社会科学研究的信息需求,调整馆藏结构的服务手段,为社科研究者提供积极有效的信息服务。

    In the new times , to counter the demands for information in social sciences study , documentary information department , which affiliated with local social sciences academy , should adjust its collection structure and service means to providing more effective service for researchers .

  22. 本文从信息高速公路研究论文的时间跨度和空间跨度入手,量化分析了1994&1997年中国内哲学社会科学领域有关信息高速公路方面的学术论文的研究状况。

    Beginning with statistics of the time and space distribution of " Information Highway " research papers , this paper analyzes and dwells on research conditions of " Information Highway " in the field of philosophy and social sciences in China from 1994 to 1997 .

  23. 社会科学研究中的信息系统及其功能体现

    The Information System and Its Functions in Social Science Research

  24. 人文与社会科学研究中的信息考察

    An Information Investigation into Humanities and Social Sciences

  25. 社会科学理论创新需要信息保障服务的支撑。

    The theoretical innovation of social sciences requires the support from information safeguard service .

  26. 支撑社会科学创新的社科信息工作机制

    The Information Mechanism Supporting Social Sciences Innovation

  27. 研究设计与方法要点包含了如何设计和开展中的行为和社会科学科研的实用信息。

    Essentials of Research Design and Methodology contains practical information on how to design and conduct scientific research in the behavioral and social sciences .

  28. 该校是我国重要的人文社会科学资料中心、信息中心和图书出版中心。学校图书馆设施先进,馆内藏书250万册(包括线装古籍40余万册),电子图书15.04万种,并设有“教育部文科文献信息中心”。

    The RUC also functions as a resource center for data , information , and publications in the humanities and social sciences in China.The University Library has advanced facilities and has a collection of 2.5 million books ( including 400000 thread