
  • 网络Community Health Promotion
  1. 高校教师代谢综合征相关疾病与社区健康促进

    Diseases related to metabolic syndrome and community health promotion in college teachers

  2. 社区健康促进项目评价的有关问题

    On the Evaluation of Community Health Promotion Programs

  3. 结论社区健康促进模式在育龄妇女中开展RTIs的健康教育是有意义的。

    Conclusion The Community health-promoting program is an effective way for the prevention of RTIs .

  4. 目的探讨社区健康促进模式控制育龄妇女生殖道感染(RTIs)的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the feasibility of community health-promoting program on control of reproductive tract infections ( RTIs ) for child-bearing women .

  5. 北京市社区健康促进活动评估

    Evaluation of a community health promoting of the elderly in Beijing

  6. 深圳市社区健康促进模式的试点建设及效果评价

    Establishment and Evaluation of Community Health-Promoting Model in Shenzhen

  7. 社区健康促进模式降低老年人高脂血症的研究

    The Effect of Community Health Improvement Model on Lowering Hyperlipidemia in Elder Patients

  8. 社区健康促进中体育促进研究

    Sports Promotion Research on Community Health Promotion

  9. 91例2型糖尿病社区健康促进效果观察

    Effect of Health Promotion on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Report of 91 Cases

  10. 社区健康促进(二)

    Health Promotion in Community ( 2 )

  11. 社区健康促进模式控制育龄妇女生殖道感染的效果评价

    An Effective Evaluation of Community Health-Promoting Program on Control of Reproductive Tract Infections for Child-bearing Women

  12. 目的探索创建具有深圳市特点的社区健康促进模式。

    Objective To explore the establishment of community health-promoting model with the local characteristics in Shenzhen .

  13. 通过社区健康促进示范项目开展有针对性的健康教育讲座及发放有关生殖道感染的科普小册子。

    In the community health-promoting program , specific lectures on health education were held and brochures about RTIs were delivered purposely to 756 participants .

  14. 加强社区健康促进中社区体育与社区公共卫生的相互合作,不仅有利于提高社区健康水平,对社区体育的可持续发展也具有重要意义;

    It is important for sustainable development of community sports that strengthened the mutual cooperation of community society and public health in health promotion process ;

  15. 未来一年中,结合健康教育的文艺表演将成为铁路医院社区健康促进项目的主要特色。

    Art show combined with health education will be the main feature of the health promotion plan in Railway Hospital , and this plan will last for one year .

  16. 目的以社区健康促进模式为理论框架,调查分析社区护士掌握的知识与技能等,探讨社区护士培训模式。

    To analyze the current status of knowledge and skills of community nurses based on the theoretical frame of the Community Health Promotion Model so as to establish a training model for them .

  17. 社区健康促进中体育促进是在社区政府、部门和居民共同参与基础上,针对社区健康,采取科学体育规划的形式,通过体育健康教育与环境支持,促进居民健康的过程。

    Sports promotion is the promotion process of inhabitant health , based on the Participatory basis of community government and community departments and community inhabitants , in view of community health , used the scientific sports plan form , through the sports health education and the environment support .

  18. 城市社区老年人健康促进生活方式及其影响因素调查

    Health-promoting lifestyle and the influencing factors in elderly people of urban community

  19. 社区老年人健康促进护理干预方法的研究

    Nursing intervention to the elderly health improvement in community

  20. 深圳市社区糖尿病患者健康促进干预效果评价

    Evaluation of the Effective of the Health-Promoting Intervention among Diabetics of Shenzhen Community

  21. 实施社区与家庭健康促进项目推动妇幼卫生事业发展

    Carry out the Health Promotion Items of the Community and Family , Promote the

  22. 自1997年始,对干预社区实施以健康促进为主的糖尿病社区干预项目。

    Since 1997 , DM community intervention program were carried out , which was focus on health promotion .

  23. 1996年澄城县被陕西省确定为“社区与家庭健康促进”项目县。

    Chengcheng County was determined as an item county of " health promotion of the community and family " in1996 .

  24. 目的探讨社区医院实施健康促进对城市社区人群高血压防治的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of health promotion on prevention and treatment for hypertension in urban population performed by a community hospital .

  25. 目的:调查城市社区老年人健康促进生活方式的状况,分析可能对其产生影响的因素。

    AIM : To investigate the status of the health-promoting lifestyle of elderly people of urban community , and analyze the possible influencing factors .

  26. 结论社区形成了健康促进的支持环境,工作模式和工作网络,慢性病防治工作得到了各级政府的重视。

    Conclusion The support environment for health promotion , and working model and network were formed ; and chronic disease control had been paid more attention from the local government .

  27. 结论:社区诊断有利于健康促进。

    Conclusion : Community diagnosis is a key part of health promotion program .

  28. 结论社区健康教育与健康促进使农民患病率下降。

    CONCLUSION The community health educational improvement caused the farmers ' morbidity to droop .

  29. 城市社区健康教育与健康促进的组织实施

    Review on Organization and Implementation of Health Education and Health Promotion in Urban Community

  30. 农村社区健康教育与健康促进对降低农民患病率的作用

    The Role of Rural Community Health Education and Improvement in Reducing the Farmer 's Morbidity