
  • 网络community integration;community inclusion
  1. 其二是残疾人对社区生活的平等、全面地参与,即社区融合。

    It two is a disable and sick person to the community live of equal , completely participate , namely the community inclusion .

  2. 与社区融合不同,一些黑人社区的消亡,也成为社会隔离程度降低的因素之一。

    Depopulation of ghettos , rather than integration of them , has also contributed to the decline in segregation .

  3. 后殖民时期的英国,试图通过在医疗、社会保障乃至选举权方面的无差别待遇,将移民社区融合在一起,这起了一个极好的开头。

    Post-colonial Britain began wonderfully well in trying to integrate immigrant communities through nondiscriminatory treatment in healthcare , in social security and even in voting rights .

  4. 关于学校体育与社区体育融合和学校开放的意义的研究

    Research on Significance of School 's Opening up and Merging School Sports into Community Sports

  5. 并设计了一个智能社区上下文融合中间件的系统架构。智能社区中的各个智能空间是相对独立的,我们对各个智能空间进行上下文本体建模时,是按照各个领域分层次组织的。

    Every smart space in smart community is relatively stand-alone , and when modeling smart space , we organize ontology by different domain .

  6. 苏泽光生先强调大学城的概念,或大学及社区的融合,认为这是一个现代城市大学的趋势。

    Mr Jack so stressed the concept of University district , or town and gown in the Centennial Campus project , saying that it is a trend for urban universities worldwide .

  7. 谈大学体育与社区体育的融合发展

    The Integrated Development of University Sport and Community Sport

  8. 纵向上,学区化管理促进了学区资源和社区资源的融合,强调了在学区内建立终身教育体系基础单元,构建了学校、社区、家庭一体化区域教育体系。

    Vertical , the school district management to promote the school district resources and the integration of community resources , emphasis in the study area set up basic unit of life-long education system , build the school , community , home integration , regional education system . 2 .

  9. 智能社区中的上下文融合

    Context Fusion If Smart Community

  10. 因此,如何促进城郊村社区与城市的融合,已经成为一个非常重要的理论与实践课题。

    Accordingly , how to further promote the integration of city and countryside has proved to be a significant issue both practically and theoretically .

  11. 虚拟学习社区系统继承并融合了传统社区、虚拟社区和在线学习的相关要素,形成了自身的有代表性的特征:技术开发性。

    Virtual learning community system inheritance and the integration of traditional community , virtual community and online learning relevant factors , formed its own representative characteristics : technology development .

  12. 社区外部空间与社区商业的互动融合现象分析

    Analysis on the interact and blending of the external space and commercial space in community

  13. 人类社会的发展其实就是社区社会化与社会社区化的交替融合,也就是社区建设与社区发展的绵延更替。

    The development of human society is in fact the continuous turnover of community construction and community development .