
  • 网络social network;Social Networking;SNS
  1. 基于社会化网络服务的病毒性营销传播研究

    Study on Viral Marketing Communications of SNS

  2. 而且Google自己的社会化网络系统也已经很庞大了,甚至还有自家的产品,Orkut,它也很流行,不过只限于巴西和印度地区。

    It has its own social network even , Orkut , which is very popular , though chiefly in Brazil and India .

  3. 如今这个时代,Communication在这些渠道的重要性愈加突出,因而这些“数字巨人”在社会化网络上的惨败愈加引人注目。

    In an era where communication is increasingly taking place on these channels , the inability of these digital giants to build social networks is rather striking .

  4. 不仅如此,博客的知识共享还表现在RSS订阅共享、社会化网络书摘的共享等方面。博客的知识共享运动一般需要遵守创作共用原则。

    Moreover , blog 's knowledge sharing is also shown in the RSS subscriptions sharing , and the sharing of social bookmark .

  5. 如今,全球移动通讯网络开始进入3G时代,移动社会化网络服务必将在未来几年内迅速发展。

    Nowadays , the global communication network has been entered into the 3G era , and the mobile social networking services would flourish rapidly in the near future .

  6. OpenSocial可以帮助程序无缝读取多个社会化网络的数据,在这个过程中不需要为了谁特别改写代码。

    OpenSocial allows applications to tap into multiple social networks without code rewrites .

  7. 本课题的研究内容着重于技术层面的社会化网络开发,拟开发出一套命名为Rise的社会化网络开发框架,方便于开发者在此基础搭建自己的社会化网络。

    The work of this topic focused on the technical aspect of social networking development , intended to develop a set of named Rise of the social networking development framework that facilitate developers to build on this basis , their own social network .

  8. Pringo-社会化网络平台,功能包括视频,MP3支持,图片库,圈子,podcasting等。

    Pringo – Social networking platform with a variety of features , including video and MP3 support , galleries , groups , podcasting , and more .

  9. 回到‘社会化网络像是空气’,就不会奇怪Charlene提出,对于大多数在线活动,社交环境将很重要。

    Going back to'social networks being like air ' , not surprisingly Charlene projects that social context will be important for most online activities .

  10. 在一些网站发布文章并和别人互动交流,比如facebook这样的社区论坛或社会化网络站,又比如类似Digg这样的新闻站,当然还有各种各样的博客站。

    This includes posting and interacting with other people on relevant forums , social networks like Facebook , news sites like Digg / Reddit as well as blog sites like Blogcatalog or MyBloglog .

  11. 演讲的题目是“社会化网络的未来”,Charlene特别清楚地阐明了她演讲稿中所集中关注的五到十年后。

    The keynote was titled " The Future of Social Networks " and Charlene clarified that specifically she was focused on five to ten years out in her presentation .

  12. 本文首先界定社会化网络服务(SNS)的定义、分类及其相关概念的辨析,并从传播学角度分析SNS作为建立在人际关系基础上的社会化网络而具有病毒性传播的特点。

    This article defines the definition and types of social networking service ( SNS ) and analyzes the other related concepts at first . Analysis from the perspective of Communication Studies , we can find SNS is a platform based on interpersonal relationships which has the feature of viral spread .

  13. 最后,在分析了微博传播的模式和特点后,将社会化网络搜索信任模型应用到微博搜索中,提出了一种微博搜索设计方案,为后续研究提供一个可能的方向。

    Finally , the design of a micro-blog search is proposed .

  14. 很长时间以来,企业都是社会化网络应用的先驱。

    Corporations have had the precursor of social networks for ages .

  15. 基于社会化网络的游戏设计课程实验项目的研究

    Research on Experiments of Game Design Based on Socialized Networks

  16. 社会化网络发展趋势甚至对计算机软件设计和架构的原则都产生了很大的影响。

    Development trend of social networking even impacts on computer software design and architecture .

  17. 第三部分重点分析了社会化网络交往对大学生的影响,本文从积极影响和消极影响两个方面分别进行了论述。

    Part three mainly analyzes the effect of the social network communication on college students .

  18. 对这些社会化网络来说,在他们的垂直领域中,最重要的也是唯一的度量尺度就是钱。

    The single most important metric for the social networks looking at a vertical is monetization .

  19. 理论基础主要来自品牌塑造理论中的品牌社区理论和社会化网络传播理论中的强关系与弱关系。

    Theory mainly based on brand community theory and strong ties and weak ties in the theory of social network communication .

  20. 首先,作者通过文献调研对这一课题的两个核心概念&情境感知和移动社会化网络做了深入的研究,对本领域内相关的研究情况做出了总结与归纳。

    Firstly , the author explores the two core concepts , context-awareness and mobile social networking and summarizes the related work .

  21. 第二轨道进程主要通过三种途径与规范结构互动,即规范建构、身份建构和社会化网络建构。

    Track ⅱ process shapes the norm structure in three ways , namely , norm construction , identity building and socialization networking .

  22. 同时针对目前移动检索研究中常用的社会化网络技术,对社会分类和社会化标签进行了详细的介绍。

    In light of social network analysis technique currently used in mobile retrieval , folksonomy and social tags are given a detailed introduction .

  23. 在讨论商业模式时,她的基本论点是,我们仍然在社交价值的基础上,恰当地评估社会化网络的价值。

    When talking about business models , her basic point was that we have yet to properly value networks based on their social value .

  24. 将这些记录的管理权交予雇员,并使之变得可写,可从根本上将整个系统变成一个迷你社会化网络。

    Passing the management of the pages to the employees and making the pages writable would actually turn the whole system into a mini social network .

  25. 社会化网络站点通常会收集比搜索引擎更多的隐私信息,他们也面临着处理这些个人数据的问题。

    Social networking sites , which often collect more personal information than do search engines , have also faced attention in regards to their data practices .

  26. 研究了社会化网络的扩散模型,总结了实现扩散最大化的方法,提出了一种改进的门槛扩散模型。

    Based on the study of social network diffusion models , the thesis summarizes the methods for maximization of information diffusion and proposes an improved threshold model . 4 .

  27. 通过社会化网络服务平台进行的广告传播,是把日新月异的现代传媒技术与现代传播思想相结合而建立起来的一种经济高效的广告传播模式。

    The advertising communication transmitted through the Social Network Services platform is a new mode of advertising communication , which combined highly developed media technology with modern communication ideology .

  28. 社会化网络以实名制为基础,实现了现实人际交往的网络化,成为有效联系虚拟世界和现实世界的桥梁。

    The social network is based on real name registered , which achieve the reality of interpersonal communication networks and effectively connecting the virtual world and the real world .

  29. 网络营销是适应信息技术发展和社会化网络营销环境的新生事物,必将成为企业未来重要的营销模式。

    Internet marketing which emerges newly must adapt to the development of information technology and social internet marketing environment , and it will become more important in the future .

  30. 随着互联网应用的发展和移动终端服务的普及,加之社会化网络服务应用的出现,产生了微博这一新型的移动服务模式。

    With the internet applications popularization and mobile termination development , combined with the advent of social networking service , the new mobile service mode such as micro blog are appeared .