
  • 网络social science;Social Science Research
  1. 基于SSCI的中国社会科学研究国际合著分布研究

    International Co-author Ship Analysis of China 's Social Science Research Based on SSCI Data

  2. 社会科学研究资助机构&罗素塞奇基金会(RussellSageFoundation)的主席谢尔顿丹齐格(SheldonDanziger)表示:比起2000年,今天贫困更严重,家庭收入更低。

    Poverty is higher today than it was in 2000 and household incomes are lower , said Sheldon Danziger , president of the Russell Sage Foundation , which funds social science research .

  3. 研究人员已经开始在社会科学研究中使用智能手机,要么用于定期询问正常生活期间的人们,要么使用智能手机的内置传感器记录活动。

    Researchers have already begun to use smartphones in social scientific research , either to query people regularly as they engage in their normal lives or to record activity using the device 's built-in sensors .

  4. 中国社会科学研究协会在这个月的早前预计中国可能会公布出今年全年的GDP比去年同步增长10.5%。

    The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences predicted earlier this month that the country could post a GDP growth of10.5 per cent for the whole year .

  5. 社会科学研究协会(SSRC),一个美国的非政府组织,在今年的调查中指出,“几乎没什么证据证明——事实上只有极少数的组织声称——迄今为止做出的司法努力,对全国的盗版情况有丝毫积极的影响。

    The Social Science Research Council , an American non-profit body , found in a study this year " little evidence - and indeed few claims - that enforcement efforts to date have had any impact whatsoever on the overall supply [ of pirated media ] . "

  6. 高校哲学社会科学研究的问题意识与理论创新

    On the Problem Consciousness and Theory Innovations of Social Science Study

  7. 建立以农为特色的我校社会科学研究体系

    Establishing a Social Science Research System with Agriculture-oriented Characteristics in JAU

  8. 谈社会科学研究成果的准确性

    On the Accuracy of Social Sciences F in d in gs

  9. 阿拉伯区域社会科学研究及文献中心

    Centre for Social Science Research and Documentation for the Arab Region

  10. 哲学社会科学研究中的问题与对策

    Problems and Countermeasures in the Study of Philosophical and Social Sciences

  11. 高校人文社会科学研究竞争力评价

    Evaluation on Research Competitiveness of Social Sciences and Humanities among Universities

  12. 创新是社会科学研究的基本原则。

    Innovation is the basic principle of social scientific studying .

  13. 人文社会科学研究人员信息搜集的行为规则分析

    An Analysis of Behaviors of Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences

  14. 人文社会科学研究的特点与规律

    The Characteristics and Laws in the Study of Human-Social Sciences

  15. 社会科学研究中的定量与定性研究方法

    The Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science Field

  16. 新疆大学社会科学研究的统计分析

    A Statistical Analysis of Xinjiang University 's Social Scientific Research

  17. 权利问题一直是社会科学研究中的重大问题。

    Rights issue has been the major issues in social science research .

  18. 科学基金对社会科学研究作用的统计分析研究

    Statistical Analysis of the Effect of Scientific Fund on Social Science Research

  19. 科学精神是人文社会科学研究的必然属性。

    Scientific spirit is a necessity of the research of social sciences .

  20. 加强高校哲学社会科学研究促进先进生产力和先进文化的发展

    On Strengthening Philosophical and Social Science Studies in Higher Education

  21. 体育社会科学研究是体育科学研究的重要内容。

    Sports sociological research is a key part of sports science research .

  22. 加强重庆市高校社会科学研究

    Strengthening Social Sciences Research of Chongqing 's Higher Learning Institutions

  23. 社会科学研究中的信息系统及其功能体现

    The Information System and Its Functions in Social Science Research

  24. 在社会科学研究的各个领域包括临床心理学的研究中,自尊的重要性已经被广泛接受。

    In clinical psychology , the importance of self-esteem has been widely accepted .

  25. 当代人文社会科学研究中的“学”之辨

    Differentiation between Science and Discipline in the Study of Social Science at Present

  26. 人文社会科学研究管理工作小议

    Discussion on Management of Humanities and Social Science Researches

  27. 当前消费已经成为社会科学研究的一个热门课题。

    At present , consumption has become a hot topic of scientific research .

  28. 论多元主义对哲学社会科学研究方法的拓展

    What Development Pluralism Made on the Research Methods of Philosophy and Social Science

  29. 社会科学研究方法的复归和创新&20世纪后20年学术现象回顾

    The Involution and Innovation of Social Sciences Study Method

  30. 社会科学研究越来越趋向于多学科和跨学科的综合。

    Social science study has been towards the integration of multi-subjects and cross-subjects .