
  • 网络Social conscience
  1. 她是这么一种少见的人:有社会良知的政治家。

    She is that rare bird : a politician with a social conscience .

  2. 而他从青年时期一直到老年都始终保持着强烈的社会良知。

    But he has sustained his fierce social conscience from young adulthood through old age

  3. 当下文学中作家社会良知的严重缺失

    Absence of Social Conscience in Contemporary Literature

  4. 守护社会良知

    Watch a Social Conscience of Society

  5. 河南城市小说作家创作更接近文学的责任感和作家的社会良知。

    The creation by Henan Province writers is still closer to the dutiful sense of literature and the writer 's social consciences .

  6. 克莱尔:计费工时在咱们这里也很重要,但我们也有社会良知。

    Claire : Billable hours are important here , too , but we bill ourselves as the firm with a social conscience .

  7. 作为特殊知识分子的艺术家应承担一定的社会良知,有责任和义务去表现对象的状态,思想和理想。

    Artists should bear a certain degree of social conscience , responsibility and obligation to the performance of the state of the objects , ideas and ideals .

  8. 以体现“社会良知”、承载人类价值作为知识分子的特性的观点,是对这两个问题的一种有代表性的回答。

    The viewpoint that intellectuals are characterized by embodying " social conscience " and bearing the weight of humanity values is a representative answer to that question .

  9. 用口述实录的方式直面爱滋病问题,并深刻切中问题的要害,呼唤社会良知共同关注弱势群体。

    The film digs into the AIDS issue , using dictation to cut into sensitive but pertinent questions and calling for social conscience of caring the weak .

  10. 具有社会良知,拥有公共关怀,保持独立的批判性,坚守边缘人的精神立场是知识分子应具有的基本素质。

    Intellectuals should have the basic characteristics of having social conscience and public concern , holding independent critique and persevering the spiritual standpoint of " edge person " .

  11. 作家的正义感、责任感以及社会良知的匮乏必然导致伪现实主义的泛滥和读者与文艺作品的情感疏离。

    The lack of justice , duty and social conscience on the part of the writers will lead to the rampancy of pseudo realism and estrangement of the readers from the literary works .

  12. 从另一个侧面反映出作为社会良知的传统知识分子形象的陈映真,为坚守自己做人的价值和理想在尴尬的时代夹缝中所做的挣扎和努力。

    So reading between lines of his works , we sense that , as a man of letter with conscience , Chen struggled hard in the pursuit of his own value and ideal in the embarrassed crevice of the times .

  13. 一群具有社会良知和社会责任感的知识分子自觉地投入到民族抗战的伟大事业中,创作出许多作品来鼓舞人们奋起抗击外敌的入侵,这些作品具有明显的悲壮美的艺术风格。

    Some learned persons who were full of social conscience and responsibility devoted their life to the glorious cause of national war consciously , and created numerous works with obvious artistic style of tragically heroic beauty to inspire people to fight back .

  14. 胡适基于一个知识份子的社会良知,对宪政的方方面面所作的思考,其中难免有智者千虑而不能及之处,但是也有他人所不及之处。

    But Hu Shi based on a knowledge individual contribution social conscience , the ponder which does to the constitutional government aspects , in which has the wise thousand to ponder unavoidably cannot and the place , but also has other people place .

  15. 文人是社会的良知,君子忧道。

    Literati is the social conscience , who worry about TRUE .

  16. 这不是说我们就不谈论(分析)道德的敏感、个人的价值和社会的良知。

    This is not to say that moral sensitivity , personal values , and social awareness are excluded from the analysis .

  17. 他们视学术为第一生命,是社会的良知,是人类基本价值的守护者。

    It 's the academic pursuit that they take as life of lives , as " social conscience " and guardian of our fundamental values .

  18. 巴金是一个有社会责任和良知的作家,其作品从未放弃过对光明、自由、平等的社会制度的探索与追求。

    Ba Jin , one of the greater writers with social commitment and conscience , never stops searching for a bright , free and equal social system .

  19. 二十年啊,我们什么时候才开始寻找,我们要通过什么时候去寻找我们这个社会的道德和良知?

    In twenty years , when we started looking for it , we want to by what time to go to find our social morality and conscience ?

  20. 当我们的重要利益受到挑战,或者当国际社会的意志和良知受到蔑视,我们将采取行动--可能时就采用和平外交手段,必要时就使用武力。

    When our vital interests are challenged , or the will and conscience of the international community is defied , we will act ; with peaceful diplomacy when ever possible , with force when necessary .

  21. 新闻媒体是社会公共事务的监督者,是社会良知和人类道德精神的守望者。新闻媒体既要对动机进行善恶评价,又要着重于效果监督。

    As the watchdogs of public affairs , social conscience and human moral , the news media not only evaluates the good or evil motives , but also focuses on the effects of supervision .

  22. 深刻的社会背景,具有知识分子深沉的忧患意识和社会良知,以及深受屈原精神的影响等,当是刘向产生如此心态的主要原因。

    It was mainly such factors as social background scholars ' social conscience and the influence of Qu Yuan 's spirit that caused Liu Xiang to have such a mentality .

  23. 在学习化社会中,大学应该作为一个独立的学术社会,保持人类的理性和社会的良知。

    The universities in the learning society should be an independent academic society preserving human sense and social conscience .