
  • 网络china-centered approach;China Center;China Centered;China centered approach
  1. 中国中心观之外,柯文教授也在进行着具体的历史课题研究。

    Beside of the " China-centered approach ", there is still other important research in Pr.

  2. 然而经过此后二十年的学术发展,中国中心观原有的一些潜在局限性逐渐暴露了出来。

    But gone with the developing of the scholar , the localization of the " China-centered approach " has emerged .

  3. 中国中心观是确立合理的传统政治文明观的一个较为理性而客观的视角。

    The establishment of centering-around-China modes of thought is a rational and objective perspective in our traditional and political outlook .

  4. 后来,他所倡导的中国中心观试图超越这一理论的局限,进而从根本上否定以西方现代性为标准的衡量中国社会发展程度的研究模式。

    Later , he tried to go beyond the limitation of this theory by his " China - centered approach ", and further negated the research model in which the development level of Chinese society was measured by the standard of Western " modernity " .

  5. 费正清领导下的哈佛学派的明清史研究经历了几代学者,实现了从以西方视角出发的冲击反应模式和传统近代模式向中国中心观的转变。

    American scholar emphasize research paradigms , under the leadership of John King Fairbank of Harvard , the research experience generations to achieve a conversion from paradigm which the perspective of the western " Impact and Response " and " Tradition and the modern " to " China-Centered Approach " .

  6. 十八世纪中国的现代性建构&中国中心观主导下的清史研究反思

    The Constructing of Modernity in the 18th Century & Reflections on researches into the history of Qing dynasty guided by the China-centered View

  7. 此外,它运用了系统论来构建中国传统社会的区域体系,并体现了中国中心观研究取向。

    Moreover , it constructs the regional system of Chinese traditional society with system theory , displaying another theoretical feature of Chinese center orientation .