
  • 网络Chinese journal of Clinical Medicine;Clinical Medical Journal of China
  1. 中国临床医学专业博士研究生教育之我观

    On the Doctorial Students Education of Clinical Medicine Major in China

  2. 当代中国临床医学伦理准则建设论纲

    The Construction Outline of Moral Standards of Clinical Medical Science in Contemporary China

  3. 中国临床医学工程学科的现状与展望

    Status and Prospect of clinical engineering in China

  4. 中国临床医学本科教育与全球医学教育最基本要求的一致性评价研究

    Evaluation on Consistency of Contents between Global Minimum Essential Requirements in Medical Education and Undergraduate Clinical Education in China

  5. 不过,中国在临床医学以及天文学与天体物理学方面与其他科技强国差距明显,分别排名第12名和第8名。

    However , China is notably behind other scientific powerhouses in clinical medicine and astronomy and astrophysics , ranking at 12th and 8th , respectively .

  6. 健康中国2020:临床医学研究面临的问题与对策

    The problems and solutions concerning clinical medicine research in Healthy China 2020 program

  7. 中国航空航天临床医学教育的过去、现在和未来

    Clinical aerospace medicine education in china : the past , present , and the future

  8. 她今年27岁,以前在中国学习过临床医学,她说中国救援队医生的决心令她深受感动。

    The 27-year-old , who studied clinical medicine in China , says she 's impressed by the determination of the doctors in the Chinese recovery team .

  9. 手工检索《中国临床康复》《医学与哲学》和《哲学研究》等杂志1999-01/2005-12期间的相关文献,限定文章语言种类为中文,检索词青少年、异常心理、意向性,病理机制。

    Meanwhile , we manually searched Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation , Medicine and Philosophy , Philosophy and other journals for related articles in Chinese between January 1990 and December 2005 with the key words of " teen-agers , abnormal mind , intentionality , pathological mechanism " .