
  1. 结果药敏谱型35种,RAPD分型50种。

    Results 35 kinds of antibiotics sensitivity spectrum type and 50 sorts of RAPD fingerprinting were obtained .

  2. 结论依据SA药敏谱型可对SA进行分型,从而指导医院感染管理。

    Conclusion The antibiotics sensitivity spectrum type can play an introduction role in management of hospital infections .

  3. 结论检测膀胱癌MDR,了解多药耐药谱,可指导灌注化疗用药。

    CONCLUSION Detecting the factors of MDR in bladder cancer cells could be assitant to choose drugs for intravesical chemotherapy .

  4. 方法通过随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术分型76株SA,并归纳出药敏谱型与RAPD型的对应关系。

    Methods 76 strains of SA were divided by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) technique and the relationship between antibiotics sensitivity spectrum and RAPD fingerprinting was generalized .

  5. 肠杆菌科基因间重复一致序列为引物的聚合酶链反应(ERIC-PCR)方法确定产MBL菌株的基因型,了解菌株来源、药敏谱和基因型与之间的关系;

    The genotypes in 13 producing MBL strains of S. maltophilia obtained in this study were examined by ERIC-PCR ( enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR ) .

  6. 鹿源蜡状芽胞杆菌的鉴定及药敏谱测定

    Identification and drug sensitive test of deer origin Bacillus cereus

  7. 社区获得性肺炎病原谱及药敏谱流行病学的调查

    Investigation on the pathogenic spectrum and drug-sensitivity spectrum of community acquired pneumonia

  8. 抗菌药抗菌谱教学中诗画艺术的应用及其效果

    Applying Poetry and Pictures in Antibacterial Spectrum Teaching

  9. 医院内病原菌及药敏谱信息处理系统

    Treating system of information on pathogenic bacteria and sensitive spectrum to antibiotic in hospital

  10. 不同类型的肿瘤有着不同的药敏谱。

    Chemosensitivity spectra vary with tumor types .

  11. 目的:测定支原体的药物敏感性并分析药敏谱。

    Objective : To detect the susceptibility to antibiotics and analysis antibiotic sensitivity spectrum on mycoplasma .

  12. 结果:不同肿瘤细胞对同一化疗药物的敏感性不同,不同肿瘤细胞有其各自的药敏谱。

    Results : Different cancer cells have different sensitivity to the same chemotherapeutic medicine and each tumor has its own drug-sensitivity table .

  13. 从《红旗谱》到《白鹿原》:当代小说艺术的历史性飞跃抗菌药抗菌谱教学中诗画艺术的应用及其效果

    From Hong Qi Pu to Bai Lu Yuan : a Historical Leap in Artistry of Chinese Contemporary Novels ; Applying Poetry and Pictures in Antibacterial Spectrum Teaching

  14. 作者认为该药抗菌谱广、毒性低、药源充足,价格低廉,具有进一步研究的价值。

    As it has a broad antifungal spectrum , low toxicity , plentiful source of material and cheap price , it is worthwhile to do the further study .

  15. 目的探讨慢性胆管疾病的主要病原菌及药敏谱,以指导临床正确诊断和治疗。

    Objective To investigate the main pathogenic bacteria of chronic cholecystitis and antibiotic susceptibility so as to guide the diagnosis and treatment of the disease in clinical practice .

  16. 结论烧伤感染阴沟肠杆菌可能仅是由少数型别菌种播散而来,生物分型、药敏谱模式分型不同是由于表型异质性而造成或存在流行质粒在烧伤感染阴沟肠杆菌不同型别间传播。

    Conclusion The Enterobacter cloacae in infection caused by burn may be scattered from few bacterial types , and different types of biological and drug-resistance were due to the phenotype heterogeneity or due to prevalence plasmid spreading to different kinds of Enterobacter cloacae .

  17. 方法利用生物学分型、药敏谱分型及质粒分型对住院烧伤患者烧伤创面分泌物、血液、静脉导管尖端、尿液、粪便、空气、痂下组织中分离的阴沟肠杆菌进行分析。

    Methods The Enterobacter cloacae isolated from infective patients ' secretion including burn surface , blood , venous ductus tips , urine , feces , air and the tissue under crust were analyzed by biologic typing , drug sensitive spectrum typing and plasmid typing methods .

  18. 利用X射线粉晶衍射仪对不同产地的萤石矿物药进行全谱扫描。

    Fluorite mineral medicines from different origins were analyzed by X-ray power diffractometry .

  19. 氟喹诺酮类(FQs)药物是第三代新型含氟的喹诺酮类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,抗菌活性强,在临床上被广泛应用。

    Fluoroquinolones , a new type quinolones antibacterial agents with fluorin , are extensively used in the clinics because of its wide antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity .

  20. 它具有灰黄霉素、制霉菌素、青霉索三药的抗菌谱。

    It has griseofulvin , nystatin , penicillin antibacterial spectrum of cable three drugs .

  21. 药用石膏生、煅品与类似含钙矿物药X-衍射谱的比较

    A Comparison between X-ray Diffraction Spectra of Crude and Calcined Gypsum and Medicinal Minerals containing Calcium

  22. 肿瘤患者细菌药敏试验谱指导经验性院内感染抗感染治疗的价值

    Application of bacterial sensitivity test results in guiding empirical anti-infective therapy in patients with tumor complicated with nosocomial infection

  23. 在防治中枢神经系统感染时,需同时考虑抗菌药的抗菌谱和在脑脊液、脑组织中要达到有效的药物浓度。

    When preventing and curing the infection of the central nerval system , it is important to understand the antimicrobial spectrum of antibacterials and the effective drug concentration entered cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissue fluid .

  24. 磺胺甲嗯唑为中效磺胺类抗菌药,抗菌谱广,临床常用于急慢性尿路感染、脑膜炎、呼吸道感染等的预防和治疗。

    Sulfamethoxazole is an antibacterial sulfonamide which is primarily used to treat a variety of bacterial infections such as acute and chronic urinary tract infections , meningitis , respiratory infections . Sulfamethoxazole is widely used as prophylactic treatment for respiratory infection associated with high altitude .

  25. 伏立康唑(voriconazole)是第2代三唑类抗真菌药,具有抗菌谱广、抗菌效力强的特点,尤其对于侵袭性曲霉菌侵润所致感染疗效好。

    Voriconazole is a second-generation azole antifungal agent that shows the characters of broad-spectrum and strong antibacterial , especially has good efficacy to the infection induced by invasive aspergillus .