
yào shí
  • medicines and stone needles for acupuncture -- remedies;remedies as medicines and stone needles for acupuncture
药石 [yào shí]
  • [remedies as medicines and stone needles for acupuncture] 古时指冶病的药物和砭石,后比喻规劝别人改过向善

  • 供其药石之费。--《周书.李弼传》

  • 孟孙之恶我也,药石也。--《左传.襄公二十三年》

药石[yào shí]
  1. 也许我会就此痊愈,也许药石无医;

    Perhaps I shall get better , perhaps not ;

  2. 我看他是药石罔效,让他平静地过完最后的日子吧。

    In my opinion , no medicine is effective for him , let him pass his last days quietly 。

  3. 水,是生命之源、药石之本,是丰饶、安定的代表,神圣而有生命力,亦净化了金昌烈的精神世界。

    Lot Notes A sanctified nature , the vital power of water as life , medical virtues , fertility and saftey generously provides a spiritual cleansing for Kim Tschang Yeul ;