
dēng xīn
  • wick;lampwick
灯心 [dēng xīn]
  • [lampwick] 油灯上用来点火的灯草、灯纱、灯线等。也作灯芯

灯心[dēng xīn]
  1. 他丢开包袱,爬到灯心草丛里,像牛似的大咬大嚼起来。

    He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass andand munching , like some bovine creature .

  2. 采用DPPH法对两种灯心草属植物不同溶剂提取物进行抗氧化活性研究。

    The antioxidant activities of each extract from two Juncaceae plants were determined by using DPPH free radical scavenging method .

  3. 这是一个细铂灯心的电灯泡。

    An electric light bulb with a filament of thin platinum !

  4. 在潮湿低洼地面上生长的一种矮生的几乎是世界分布的灯心草属植物。

    Low-growing annual rush of damp low-lying ground ; nearly cosmopolitan .

  5. 灯心绒布地毯之薄。

    The thinness of the cord carpet .

  6. 生草丛一丛,一簇,如一丛草广泛分布的一种丛生的、细的灯心草属植物。

    A clump or tuft , as of growing grass . tufted wiry rush of wide distribution .

  7. 本文对灯心草属植物菲类化合物的结构和生物活性进行综述。

    This paper reviewed the structures of phenanthrenes which were isolated from Junaceae plants and their biological activities .

  8. 然而他并不停下脚步来喂那赶着成群小天鹅朝灯心草丛中走去的母天鹅。

    But he does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the rushes .

  9. 傍晚时,他顺着一条小河走去,由于含着石灰而变成乳白色的河水从稀疏的灯心草丛里流过去。

    Late in the afternoon he followed a stream , milky with lime , which ran through sparse patches of rush-grass .

  10. 镇里的另外一些人拿着用灯心草编的奥斯瓦德的王冠、他的手以及其他的“图案”。

    Other townspeople bring " bearings ," woven rush emblems in the shape of Oswald 's crown , his hand , and other designs .

  11. 面包、牛奶和汉堡包。他丢开包袱,爬到灯心草丛里,像牛似的大咬大嚼起来。

    Bread , milk and hamburgers . He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass on hands and knees , crunching and munching , like some bovine creature .