
dēnɡ sī diàn yā
  • Filament voltage;heater volt
  1. 通过C8051F040单片机对中子管的灯丝电压、靶压以及阳极脉冲进行控制,使其工作在一个理想状态,是提高仪器测井效率、延长中子管使用寿命的重要手段。

    By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube ′ s filament voltage , the target voltage and the pulse of the anode , the downhole tool can work at an ideal state .

  2. 磁控管灯丝电压控制电路

    Magnetron filament voltage controlling Circuit

  3. 测量了维持阳极电流稳定时灯丝电压随环境温度变化的关系,绘制了其温度特性曲线。

    And the filament voltage / current need to be decreased gradually for keeping anode current stable while environmental temperature increases gradually .

  4. 本文深入探讨了F&H管在不同拒斥电压、温度、灯丝电压等条件下,对实验曲线产生的影响。

    The paper analyses various conditions which will be changed during the experiments , and discusses such influences on the curve by various exclude voltage , temperature , filament voltage , etc.

  5. 论述了彩电灯丝电压有效值一般测量方法的利弊和灯丝绕组准确置换的依据;

    Both the advantage and the disadvantage of the common method of measuring the virtual value voltage of the filament of the colour television and the basis for accurate replacement of the filament winding are discussed in this article .

  6. 文章讨论了在逸出电位测定过程中两种灯丝电流和加速电压的调节方法。

    This article discussed that the filament current and accelerate voltage adjust ways to determine electric potential .

  7. 探讨了当显像管阴极与灯丝碰极时,一种准确提供灯丝电压数值的方式。

    When the negative electrode and the filament are short-ciruited , one kind of the voltage of the filament that is offered accurately are probed .

  8. 本文介绍了大功率电子管灯丝恒功率供电的基本原理以及对灯丝恒定电压供电电路改装、调试方法。

    The basic theory of constant power supply for the filament of high -