
  • 网络sine wave signal
  1. 提出一种基于DSP数字振荡器产生三相基准正弦波信号的设计方法。

    A kind of three-phase reference sine wave signal generator based on DSP digital oscillator is designed .

  2. 基于DDS技术正弦波信号发生器的设计

    Design of sine wave signal generator based on DDS technology

  3. 基于坐标轴投影、PWM调频的三相准正弦波信号发生器

    A Three-phase Quasi & sine Signal Generator Based on Coordinate projection and PWM Freguency Control

  4. 介绍了输出反馈信号处理、正弦波信号发生与控制以及锁相环在数字控制中的实现方法,并采用PID参数自调整控制算法来抑制负载变化对逆变电源输出的影响。

    The feedbacks signal regulation , sinusoidal wave generator , and phase-lock loop were realized by digital control , while self-tuning of PID parameter was implemented to attenuate influence in the presence of load variation .

  5. CPU及ROM的应用产生的正弦波信号稳定,波形非常好,应用于各级交流功放的前级输入,使交流稳压源作用更广泛,更利于各种仪器的精度提高及微机间的通讯和自动控制

    Sine wave signal produced by CPU and ROM being steady is used widely as input of amplifiers , which makes AC voltage source better for precision of instruments and communication of computers

  6. 介绍了用只读存贮器产生50Hz正弦波信号的原理和电路设计。

    The theory and circuit of 50 Hz sinewave generator with EPROM chip was introduced .

  7. 提出一种新的自适应算法估计被噪声污染的正弦波信号的频率,依据IIR窄带滤波器和自适应FIR滤波器的级联,形成快速有效的自适应算法。

    In this paper , based on a narrow IIR BPF cascaded by an adaptive FIR filter , a novel fast adaptive algorithm for sinusoid frequency detection in noisy environment is depicted .

  8. 通过Matlab/Simulink环境下仿真,对三种PID控制方法进行比较,选取了控制性能最佳的PID控制方法,进行了阶跃信号、正弦波信号、余弦波信号和X-Y平面上的圆规迹信号位置跟踪控制。

    By simulating in the Matlab / Simulink , we choose one of the best performance from three types of PID control methods to carried out the position tracking control of step signal , sine wave signal , cosine wave signal , and compass trace signal on X-Y plane .

  9. 介绍了一种基于谐振原理的大功率正弦波信号发生器,该正弦波发生器采用逆变功率开关电路产生幅值和频率可变的方波信号,通过LC谐振回路产生正弦波。

    This paper introduces a high-power sine wave signal generator based on the principle of resonance . By using the inverter switch circuit , the generator can produce signals of square waves with variable amplitude and frequency . The generator can produce sine waves through the LC resonance loop .

  10. 该驱动器使用±15V直流电源供电,输出四路峰峰值80V、相位差依次为90°的正弦波信号。

    The driver is supplied by ± 15V DC Power and output 4 sine wave signals with peak to peak value of voltage of 80V and with phases difference of 90 ° .

  11. 多通道相位差可调正弦波信号发生器的设计

    Design of Multi-channel Sine Waveforms Generator with Tunable Phase Difference

  12. 基于谐振的大功率正弦波信号发生器

    A High-power Sine Wave Signal Generator Based on the Principle of Resonance

  13. 超低频正弦波信号波形参数的精确评价

    The Parameter Precise Evaluation of Ultra-lower Frequency Sine Waves

  14. 电力设备中类正弦波信号测量方法研究

    Study of sine-like signal measuring in electric power equipment

  15. 一种正弦波信号发生器的设计

    A New Design of a Sinusoidal Wave Signal Generator

  16. 高精度程控正弦波信号发生器设计原理

    Designing Principles for the Highly Accurate Sine-wave Generator

  17. 数字式单相和三相基准正弦波信号发生器

    Digital single-phase and three-phase reference sinewave signal generator

  18. 采用数字合成技术的三相正弦波信号发生器

    Three-phase sine-wave signal generator using digital synthesis technique

  19. 正弦波信号源频谱及失真度的理论分析。

    The theory analysis of the frequency spectrum and distortion of sine wave signal .

  20. 采用场效应管稳幅的高稳定度正弦波信号源

    High stability sine-wave generator with field effect transistor

  21. 高稳定、低失真工频正弦波信号源的设计

    The Design of High Stable and Low Distortion Operating Frequency Sine Wave Signal Source

  22. 三相正弦波信号经功率放大器放大后成为对称三相交流电。

    Three-phase sine wave wave signal can be symmetrical three-phase alternating current after power amplifying .

  23. 数字式精密正弦波信号源的设计

    Design for Precise Digital Sinewave Generator

  24. 故要求其控制器所产生正弦波信号的频率以及其幅值应能根据用户所设定的参数值而变化。

    And the controller need to generate sine waves of various frequencies and magnitudes according to user .

  25. 实验表明:用集成电路和数字技术直接形成的正弦波信号,具有频率精确度高,且波形失真小的特点。

    The test showed that the sinewave has the characteristics of high frequency precision and low waveform distortion .

  26. 具备了调频、调幅、调相功能原始正弦波信号,功率很小且含有大量的噪声。

    The original signal with the function of PM , FM and AM has low power but much harmonic .

  27. 通过调试自动调零,低功耗分时供电电路,文氏桥正弦波信号发生电路满足设计要求。

    Through debugging the auto-zero circuit , low-power time-sharing power supply circuit , Wien-bridge sine-wave signal circuit meeted the design requirements .

  28. 提出了一种采用数字合成与数字移相技术设计高精度数字式三相基准正弦波信号发生器的方法。

    A kind of high-accuracy digital three-phase reference sine wave signal generator is designed by using digital method with phase-shifting technology .

  29. 该校准仪是用于校准各种电子电压表基本误差的专用标准仪器,具有定点频率下正弦波信号输出的标准电压源。

    This normalizing device is a standard instrument used to calibrate the intrinsic errors of the various kinds of electronic voltmeters .

  30. 在方案中,以正弦波信号作为相位偏置信号,相位解调运用了同步相关检测的方法。

    A sinusoidal was used as a bias phase modulation wave and the open loop demodulation used the weak signal detection technique .