
  • 网络n-hexane poisoning
  1. 鼠神经生长因子治疗正己烷中毒的疗效观察

    The curative effect of rat nerve growth factor on n-hexane poisoning

  2. 23例职业性慢性正己烷中毒临床分析

    A clinical analysis of 23 cases of occupational chronic n-hexane poisoning

  3. 方法:对121例慢性正己烷中毒患者进行神经电图及EMG检测。

    Methods : The electroneurograms and EMGs were performed in 121 patients with n-hexane chronic intoxication .

  4. [结果]正己烷中毒患者(共12例)血清中NGF水平均低于检测下限(30pg/ml);

    [ Results ] Serum level of all the cases were below low limit of detection ( 30 pg / ml ) .

  5. 目的:观察慢性正己烷中毒患者的神经电图和肌电图(EMG)改变的特点。

    Objective : To demonstrate relative changes and characteristics of electroneurograms and electromyograms ( EMGs ) in patients with n-hexane chronic intoxication .

  6. 目的初步探讨正己烷中毒性周围神经病变中2,5己二酮(HD)对大鼠大脑、脊髓、坐骨神经中神经丝(NF)亚单位含量的影响。

    Objective To investigate the alterations of neurofilament ( NF ) in cerebrum , spinal cord and sciatic nerve of rats intoxicated with 2,5-hexanedione ( HD ) .

  7. 方法采用酶联免疫吸附分析方法,对30例正己烷中毒患者(其中男性5例,女性25例)和25例正常对照(其中男性12例,女性13例)进行血清NSE测定。

    Methods NSE in 30 n hexane poisoning patients ( 25 female , 5 male ) and 2 controls ( 10 female , 10 male ) were measured by enzyme link sorbent assay .

  8. 电脑制版行业正己烷中毒事故调查

    Survey on accident n-hexane poisoning in plate-making of computer trade

  9. 6例慢性正己烷中毒肌电图随访观察

    A Follow-up study of EMG in 6 cases of chronic n-hexane poisoning

  10. 两组各指标的差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);经积极治疗后,正己烷中毒患者以上各项参数均逐渐好转,24个月后基本恢复正常。

    These parameters gradually recovered to normal levels in 24 months after treatment .

  11. 严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病16例患者的电生理学改变

    Electrophysiological study of 16 patients with severe N-hexane neuropathy

  12. 28例正己烷中毒性周围神经病电生理学检查分析

    Analysis on electrophysiological examination in 28 cases of peripheral neuropathy by n-hexane poisoning

  13. 19例正己烷中毒患者的临床分析

    Clinical study on 19 cases of n-hexane poisoning

  14. 目的观察经积极治疗后的严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病患者的电生理变化规律,探讨预后。

    Objective To observe electrophysiological changes of severe N-hexane neuropathy getting active therapies and discuss its prognosis .

  15. 结论:慢性正己烷中毒主要引起广泛性周围神经损害,肌肉受损程度较轻。

    Conclusions : N-hexame chronic intoxication causes widespread damage to the peripheral nerves and comparatively less to muscles .

  16. 结论严重正己烷中毒性周围神经病患者电生理表现明显异常,经积极治疗后,电生理指标可望恢复正常,临床预后良好。

    Conclusion The electrophysiological abnormalities in severe N-hexane neuropathy patients can restore after treatment , and clinical prognosis is good .

  17. 近几年来,慢性正己烷中毒事故呈上升趋势,应引起全社会的重视。

    Chronic n-Hexane poisoning is showing an increasing trend in recent years , which should he taken into great consideration .

  18. 结论亚急性正己烷中毒及早脱离环境、及早治疗,预后较好。

    Conclusion Escaping from the toxic environment earlier and receiving treatment earlier can make the prognosis of subacute N-hexane toxicity better .

  19. 方法记录17例亚急性正己烷中毒所导致的周围神经病患者的临床资料、神经肌电图、治疗经过,并追踪观察1年预后。

    Methods Clinical data , electrophysiology changes and treatment courses of17 cases subjecting subacute N-Hexane toxicity and followed up for one year were analyzed .

  20. 结论周围神经病是慢性正己烷中毒的主要临床表现,肌电图有重要的辅助诊断价值,预后较好。

    Conclusions Peripheral neuropathy is the main manifestation of chronic n-hexane intoxication . Electromyogram is of great value to the diagnosis . The prognosis is optimize .

  21. 综合介绍了文献报导的正己烷职业中毒概况及防治研究进展。

    This article gives an overall introduction of n-Hexane poisoning and the development of relevant preventive measures .

  22. 目的探讨正己烷染毒大鼠中毒表现及血清神经生长因子(NGF)水平变化。

    Objective To investigate the levels of serum neuron growth factor ( NGF ) in rats exposed to n-hexane and the relationship between NGF and peripheral neuropathy caused by n-hexane poisoning .

  23. 目的研究正己烷代谢产物2,5-己二酮对运动神经元钙稳态的影响,探讨正己烷中毒致周围神经损伤的机制。

    Objective To explore the mechanism of cytotoxic effect of 2,5-hexanedione ( 2,5-HD ) on motor neuron .