
  1. 会议正式交流语言为中文。

    The formal language is chinese .

  2. 此外,互联网广告不注册工业增长的统计数字,因为许多交易所以外的正式交流安排。

    Moreover , Internet ads don 't register in industry-growth statistics , because many exchanges are arranged outside the formal exchanges .

  3. 首先,我们只需用一个从句就能组成句子。其次,在正式交流中人们往往将一些短小的结构组成从句用于交流及理解。

    First , you need only one of them to make a sentence . Second , in actual communication , shorter utterances are usually reconstructed and understood by reference to clauses .

  4. 从门泽尔的正式交流和非正式交流论到米哈依诺夫的科学交流论,非正式信息交流在科学交流体系中的作用和地位都处于弱势。

    From the scientific communication theories such as " Formal and Informal Communication Processes " and " Scientific Information Communication " theory , the station and function playing in the scientific communication system of informal information communication are on bad status .

  5. 议会两院或其中一院与女王之间的正式信息交流。

    Formal communication from one or both house of parliament to the queen .

  6. 在国际合资企业中管理,合同或法律仲裁是合作双方的一种正式的交流方式。

    Contract or legal arbitration is a formal form of communication with partners in IJV management .

  7. 本文不但对网络正式信息交流渠道,还对网络半正式、非正式信息交流渠道中的信息分布现象作定量研究;

    On this base , we research on the distribution of academic information in the context of network . My research is not only on due information communion channel , but also on half-due and undue information communion channel .

  8. 网络的迅猛发展改变了信息交流的途径和模式,学术文献中网络引文的出现很好地证明了网络信息资源对正式学术交流体系的影响。

    With the dramatic development of Internet , we are facing a radical change in the way people find and use information resources . Now more and more scholarship documents have web citations , which indicates that network information has had impacts on the formal scholarly communication system .

  9. 以知识库为中介、正式面对面交流及自发的知识交易是知识价值实现的3个主要途径。

    Agency of knowledge database and formal communication and spontaneous knowledge deal are three main way to realize the value of knowledge .

  10. 在这些正式的合作交流关系中,吉林大学商学院已创建了多样化的合作交流方案和项目,如韩亚高级人员培训项目。

    With those formal relationships , the Business School of JLU has created various cooperative programs and projects , such as Hana Executive Program .

  11. 各子网络之间通过正式与非正式交流联结起来,形成技术创新网络。

    These branch networks are seen as connecting with each other in both formal and informal ways to realize the state of being networked of the technologic innovation .

  12. 在正式的学术交流中,对网络学术资源的引用仍然存在争议,并且在引用中也存在着一些问题。

    The Internet has greatly improved the accessibility of scientific information , however the citation of the Internet academic resources in formal scientific publishing not only has been debated , but also has occurred some problems .

  13. 近年来,它被逐渐介绍到中国并于2005年与云南傈僳族进行了正式的民间文化交流活动。

    It has been introduced to China over the past few years . In2005 , the Sami formally started cultural exchanges with the Lisu people in Yunnan .

  14. 政府官员和立法会议员日常都有紧密的接触,他们经常在立法会各类会议和其他场合会面,每日都有机会通过正式或非正式途径交流意见。

    It is built on daily contact between officials of the government and Legislative Council members in panels , at sittings , or even through informal contacts .

  15. 隋唐时期,临证医学迅速进步,国家药典正式颁布,中外交流日益拓展,中国传统药业登上了历史发展第二个巅峰。

    In Sui and Tang Dynasties , Chinese traditional medicine trade scale the second heights of historical reference with rapid advances of clinical medicines and normal inaction of state-promulgated pharmacopoeia and growing of medical exchange between Chinese and other countries .