
  • 网络Normal Moveout;NMO;normal move out
  1. 转换波上、下行波的不对称性,使得常规的基于共中心点(CMP)道集的速度分析、正常时差校正和共中心点叠加技术不能适用于转换波。

    Because of the ray asymmetry of the downgoing and upgoing waves , the velocity analysis , NMO correction and CMP stacking based on the CMP gather cannot be adapted to that of the converted wave ( CCP ) .

  2. 快速计算正常时差的新算法

    A new algorithm for fast NMO calculation

  3. HTI介质横波正常时差速度反演

    Estimation of normal moveout velocity of S-wave in horizontal transverse isotropic ( hti ) media

  4. 转换波共转换点叠加的关键在于CCP抽道集、非双曲线正常时差校正及基于非双曲线时距方程的转换波速度分析。

    Common conversion point ( CCP ) binning 、 non-hyperbolic normal moveout ( NMO ) and converted-wave velocity analysis based on non-hyperbolic NMO are the key points to CCP stacking for converted-wave .

  5. 比较典型的方法有预测反褶积、正常时差变换叠加、f-k变换、τ-p变换、抛物线Radon变换和聚束滤波等,它们可以简称为基于几何地震学方法或几何滤波类方法;

    Typical methods of the first class consist of predictive deconvolution , normal moveout interconversion stacking , f-k transformation , tau-p transformation , parabola Radon transformation and beamforming . They can be called as seismography method based on the geometry .

  6. 针对任意各向异性程度的HTI介质水平反射界面,提出了D剖面的概念,并由此得到任意方位角(测线方向与主轴方向的夹角)的转换波正常时差(NMO)速度公式。

    A double profile for describing the horizontal reflectors in HTI media with any strength of anisotropy is proposed . Moreover , the equations for normal moveout ( NMO ) velocity of P S wave in HTI medium with arbitrary symmetry and any strength of anisotropy are obtained .

  7. 众所周知,满足双曲线规律的正常时差校正公式是以各向同性、均匀介质为基础的。

    It is well known that the normal moveout formula is based upon homogeneous isotropic media .