
  • 网络Justice Party;PKS;Justicialist Party
  1. 阿根廷正义党的发展脉络

    The History of the Justice Party of Argentina

  2. 自由正义党的头目及埃及的前领袖,选举出的埃及议会,

    the head of the Freedom and Justice Party and the previous head of the Egyptian , the elected Egyptian parliament ,

  3. 埃尔多安先生,和他保守的正义发展党(AK),可以从这个信念中获益。

    Mr Erdogan , and his conservative Justice and Development ( AK ) party , can take credit for this .

  4. 然后,在9月14日,安排假冒的党员劫持了正义事业党的代表大会。

    Then , on September14th , fake party members planted by the Kremlin hijacked Right Cause 's party congress .

  5. 土耳其宪法法庭星期一开始考虑一项动议,要求关闭土耳其执政党根植于伊斯兰的“正义发展党”。

    Turkey 's constitutional court on Monday starts deliberating a case calling for the closure of the ruling , Islamic-rooted , Justice and Development Party or AKP .

  6. 在埃尔多安领导的正义与发展党(JusticeandDevelopmentParty)十多年前掌权后,他们联袂合作,控制了军队。在上个世纪,军队推翻了四届民选政府。

    After Mr. Erdogan 's Islamist Justice and Development Party came to power more than a decade ago , they teamed up to tame the military , which overthrew four elected governments last century .

  7. 土耳其正义与发展党(akp)已接近实现这一目标。

    The justice and Development Party ( AKP ) has come close to this in Turkey .

  8. 近期的一项民调显示,他的正义与发展党(AKparty)在全国范围内的支持率为46%,但它还需努力保住安卡拉和伊斯坦布尔等城市的选票。

    One recent poll gave his AK party 46 per cent support nationwide – but it is fighting hard to retain the cities of Ankara and Istanbul .

  9. 爆炸发生在宾格尔市一座为土耳其执政正义与发展党(AK)使用的建筑附近,该市人口主要是库尔德族。

    The blast happened near a building used by Turkey 's governing AK party in the mainly Kurdish town of Bingol .

  10. 当一位倾向正义与发展党的报纸专栏作家阿里·布拉克(AliBulac)认为戴面纱的妇女是代理世俗主义者们的“间谍”或正利用她们的困境来加速她们的职业进程时,他激起了人们的暴怒。

    A pro-AK newspaper columnist , Ali Bulac , provoked fury when he suggested that veiled women were " spies " acting for secularists or were exploiting their plight to advance their careers .

  11. 至少她会投正义与发展党的票吗?

    Will she vote for AK anyway ?

  12. 否则,他可能会希望领导正义与发展党参加定于2015年举行的议会选举。

    Failing this , he would want to lead his party in the parliamentary elections scheduled for 2015 .

  13. 但是埃尔多安所在政党正义与发展党在投票结束后几个小时便宣布获胜。

    But Erdogan 's party , the AKP , declared their man the victor a few hours after the polls closed .

  14. 但是,这种自我安慰随着正义与发展党在今年七月大选中获得巨大胜利后而逐渐变得苍白无力。

    But the excuse of the deep state 's power is wearing thin after AK 's big victory in July 's general election .

  15. 为正义与发展党辩护的律师辩称,控方长达162页的指控毫无根据,同时充斥着不准确的内容。

    Lawyers for the AK Party argue the charges against it , which run to162 pages , are baseless and filled with inaccuracies .

  16. 他之所以选择将这次地方选举变成对他本人以及正义与发展党的公投,原因也在于此。

    This is also the reason he has opted to turn the local polls into a referendum on him and his AK party .

  17. 政治分析人士预计,如果法庭裁决解散正义与发展党,土耳其将陷入政治和经济混乱。

    Political analysts predict Turkey will be thrown into a political and economic turmoil if the court orders the party to be disbanded .

  18. 他说,正义与发展党作为执政党,在采取行动时考虑到自己的职责与义务。

    He said as the political party in power , the AK Party is acting with an understanding of its duties and obligations .

  19. 但本周,埃尔多安在一个正义与发展党聚会中,说他诅咒这些散布种族不合的人都下地狱。

    But this week Mr Erdogan told an AK gathering that he regarded those who wish to sow racial discord as " damned " .

  20. 当然也不能排除第三种情况,即正义与发展党支持率大幅下滑,比如下滑至35%。

    A third scenario that cannot be ruled out is the AK party registering a substantive drop in support to , say , 35 per cent .

  21. 他们解散了繁荣党,在2001年成立了正义与发展党,在许多方面该党都更具温和的保守派特点,而不像是一个宗教政党。

    They broke with welfare and set up the AK party in 2001 , in many ways more of a moderate conservative party than a religious one .

  22. 而他领导的正义与发展党需接近50%的得票率,埃尔多安才能严肃考虑这一选项,50%是2011年的选举中该党的得票率。

    His party would need to get close to the 50 per cent it received in the 2011 parliamentary elections for him to consider this option seriously .

  23. 虽然埃尔多安先生和他大部分的内阁成员同戴面纱的妇女结婚,正义与发展党已经为一个无法取胜的席位提名了唯一一位同埃尔多安类似虔诚的妇女作为候选人。

    Although Mr Erdogan and most of his cabinet are married to veiled women , the AK has nominated only one similarly pious woman , for an unwinnable seat .

  24. 这项诉讼指责正义与发展党寻求破坏这个世俗国家,还包括可能禁止总理埃尔多安在5年内从事政治活动。

    The case accuses the party of seeking to undermine the secular state and includes a possible political ban of five years for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan .

  25. 土耳其宪法法院说,他们将对禁止执政党--正义与发展党活动的诉讼举行听证。

    Turkey 's Top Court to Hear Case to Ban Ruling Party The Turkish Constitutional Court has announced it will hear the closure case against the ruling AK Party .

  26. 帕克叙特说,法院决定审理最高上诉法院的检察官提起的诉讼,这项诉讼要求禁止正义与发展党活动。

    He says the court has decided to examine an indictment prepared by the prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Appeals on closure of the ruling Justice and Development Party .

  27. 扎伊丹强调称,他领导的政府将是联合的政府,提名人选包括利比亚的两大政党,全国力量联盟与正义和建设党。

    Zaidan stressed his government will be a coalition that includes the two biggest political parties in Libya , namely the national forces alliance , and the justice and construction party .

  28. 土耳其总检察长耶尔钦卡亚这个星期早些时候在法庭上表示,正义与发展党对土耳其构成“明显与现实的危险”,因为它正在企图把伊斯兰法律强加于土耳其。

    Chief Prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya told the court earlier this week the AK Party posed a " clear and present danger " that it was seeking to impose Islamic law on the country .

  29. 在这起诉讼案中,如果被认定罪名成立,埃尔多安总理和居尔总统以及正义与发展党的其他69名主要成员将被禁止在5年内从事政治活动。

    Under the same case Prime Minister Erdogan and the President Abdullah Gul along with 69 other leading members of the AK Party are facing a political ban of five years if convicted .

  30. 但是支持这项诉讼的人士说,正义与发展党的前任--繁荣党在1998年因为同样的指控被取缔,这项决定得到欧洲人权法庭的支持。

    But supporters of the case say the AK 's predecessor , the Refah Party , was closed down on similar charges in 1998 , a decision upheld by the European Court of Human Rights .