
  1. 可是现在,现在,她的嘴唇似乎正等待着任人品尝,还有那圆润白皙的脖颈。

    Now well , now her lips seemed in a manner free to be tasted , as well as her round , white throat .

  2. 时年44岁、正和第一任妻子闹离婚的特朗普,决定带着她到马阿拉歌庄园的人群中炫耀一番。该庄园位于佛罗里达州的棕榈滩。

    Trump , then 44 and in the midst of his first divorce , decided to show her off to the crowd at Mar-a-Lago , his estate in Palm Beach , Florida .

  3. 她表示,正是由于获任这几所著名大学校长,女性才最终突破了信任方面的障碍。

    It is because of these presidential appointments that women have finally broken through the credibility barrier , says Prof Woo .

  4. 去年晚些时候,中国报纸曾报道称,任正非正设法任命儿子任平进入董事会,并试图让孙亚芳离职,以便为领导权交接做准备。

    Late last year , Chinese press reports said Mr Ren was seeking to appoint his son Ren Ping to the board and trying to get Ms Sun to step down to prepare a leadership succession .