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  1. 交联度过高的产品会降低改性PVC的强伸性能。

    The product with too high crosslinking degree could decrease the tensile strength and elongation of its modified PVC .

  2. 研究探讨Tencel纤维强伸性能分析

    Analyses of Tencel Fibre Strength & Elongation Performance

  3. Tencel纱线强伸性能探讨

    Research on tensile properties of Tencel yarn

  4. 对经不同热、湿、油剂处理后高强聚乙烯酸(PVA)纤维的强伸性能进行研究。

    The paper studies the tensile properties of high - strength polyvinyl alcohol fibers ( PVA ) after heat , water and oil treatments .

  5. 采用束纤维强伸性测量方法(TENSOR),能快速准确地给出毛条染色前后的强度、伸长、断裂功的护伤。

    The bundle tensile testing ( SIROLAN - TENSOR ) is used to identify damages of strength , strain , rupture work , and initial modulus of tops before and after dyeing .

  6. 采用4种不同捻系数(280、320、360、400)的PTT短纤纱做为研究对象,对其主要力学性能(强伸性、拉伸回复性以及蠕变性能)进行了研究。

    The mechanical properties ( action stretch , elastic recovery and creeping ) of four kinds of PTT staple yarns with twist factor of 280,320,360,400 respectively were studied .

  7. 结果表明,随偶联程度的增高,SSBR的强伸性能提高,宏观动态生热降低。

    The results showed that with increasing coupling degree of SSBR the strength and elongation increased and dynamic heat build-up reduced .

  8. 为了对PTT短纤维有初步的了解,我们将PTT与PET的基本力学性能,包括强伸性能和回弹性能进行了对比。

    To get a preliminary knowledge of PTT staple , relevant experiments were done to make a comparison of mechanical property , both tensile property and rebound elasticity , between PTT and PET .

  9. 根据TG和DTG结果表明组装纳米银粒子后棉织物的热稳定性能略为下降,变得更易于热降解,这与前面棉织物的强伸性的结果一致。

    According to TG and DTG results , the thermal stability of cotton fabric after assembled with nano-silver particles declined slightly , and it became more sensitive to thermal degradation , which was consistent with elongation results of cotton fabric mentioned earlier .

  10. 测试结果表明,丝素中加入适量PVP后,可使共混膜具有良好强伸度、柔软性,吸湿性以及良好的透汽性,改善了丝素创面保护膜的性能和应用效果。

    The results showed that the blend film had good strength and elongation , flexibility , hygroscopic absorption and fine vapor permeation when the content of PVP was appropriate , improving the properties and application of the wound-covering silk fibroin protective film .

  11. 采用少量(0~5份)蒙脱土(MMT)等量替代炭黑,考察炭黑/MMT/SBR纳米复合材料的硬度、强伸性能、耐磨性能和耐屈挠龟裂性能。

    The hardness , mechanical properties , abrasion resistance , and flex fatigue life of carbon black / montmorillonite ( MMT ) / SBR nano-composites were investigated with low level ( 0 ~ 5 phr ) MMT replacing the same level of carbon black .

  12. 该仪器由按弦振动原理设计的XD-1型振动式细度仪及具有气动夹持操作及数据处理功能的XQ-1型纤维强伸度仪组成。

    It is composed of the XD-I vibroscope based on the string vibration and the XQ-I fibre tensile tester with pneumatic clamp operating and data processing function .

  13. 对Tencel纤维的强伸性能作了测试、分析,指出Tencel纤维的强度、模量比粘胶纤维高得多,接近于聚酯纤维,并且湿强、湿模量损失较粘胶低得多。

    Tests and analyses Tencel fibre strength elongation performance , raises that strength and modulus of Tencel fibre is more higher than that of Viscose fibre approaching Polyester fibre , wet strength wet modulus lose of Tencel fibre is more lower than that of Viscose fibre .

  14. 结果表明,混炼温度从150℃提高到200℃时,胶粉/HDPETPE的强伸性能降幅较大,但流变性能较好,且挤出物表观质量较好,混炼温度以150℃为宜;

    The results showed that the tensile strength of crumb rubber / HDPE TPE decreased significantly , but its rheological property and appearance quality of its extrudate improved by increasing the mixing temperature from 150 ℃ to 200 ℃, and the most suitable mixing temperature was 150 ℃;

  15. 纤维强伸度细度测试仪研究

    A study on development of tensile and fineness tester of fibres

  16. 羊毛单纤维性质对束纤维强伸性的影响

    Effect of Single Fibre Properties on Bundle Tensile Behaviour of Wool

  17. 加捻对芳纶纱线强伸性能的影响

    The influence of twist on the tensile properties of aramid filament yarn

  18. 细号涤与棉混纺纱强伸性能研究

    Research on Strength Extension Performance of Fine Count Polyester Cotton Blended Yarn

  19. 束纤维强伸性能研究现状

    The actuality that researching the strong stretching capability of the tie fiber

  20. 利用束纤维强伸性能测定双组分纤维束混和比

    Estimation of blending ratio of two-component fiber bundle from bundle tensile property

  21. 长丝短纤复合纱线强伸性能与加捻关系研究

    Correlation between Strength Elongation and Twist of Filament Short Fibre Composite Yarn

  22. 转杯复合纱的强伸性能

    Tensile strength and elongation of the rotor spun composite yarn

  23. 加捻对涤纶长丝强伸性能影响的定量分析

    Quantitative analysis for strength and elongation of polyester filament yarn through twisting

  24. 捻线方法对长丝强伸性能的影响

    Effect of Twisting Process on the Mechanical Property of Filament

  25. 束纤维强伸性分析在毛条染色损伤中的应用

    Application of Bundle Tensile Testing to the Analyzing of Top Dyeing Damage

  26. 湿度对锦纶66帘线强伸性能的影响

    Influence of humidity on tensile properties of nylon 66 cord

  27. 对于该复合纱的基本力学性能,本文主要研究了强伸性。

    For the mechanical property , the strength and elongation was studied .

  28. 三组分花式线的强伸性能预测与分析

    The Forecast and Analysis of the Strength and Elongation for Three-Component Fancy Yarn

  29. 聚乳酸棉混纺纱混纺比对纱线强伸性能的影响

    Influences of Polylactic Acid Cotton blending Yarn Blending Ratio on Yarn Tensile Property

  30. 油剂对涤纶短纤维强伸性能劣变的研究

    Study on the Deterioration of Tensile Properties of Pet Staple Fiber on Oil