
qiǎnɡ zhì zhēnɡ shōu
  • compulsory collection
  1. 同时,行政即时强制还应当与行政强制措施、行政处罚和强制征收相区别。

    In the meantime , administrative prompt coercion should be distinguished from administrative coercive measures , administrative penalty and compulsory collection .

  2. 但今年,他们要是再来申请政府强制征收

    But this year , if they were to reapply , hmm. ..

  3. 政府在香烟上强制征收更多的税。

    The government has slapped more tax on cigarettes .

  4. 税收虽然从形式上被赋予了无偿强制征收的特征,但实际上是个人为了自我利益的自我牺牲。

    Although being endowed with the volunteer imposing formally , tax is actually presented as self-sacrifice for oneself .

  5. 土地征收是国家由于公共利益的需要,强制征收土地并根据相关法律规定给予一定补偿的一种行政行为。

    Farmland expropriation refers to the needs of countries , because of the public interest , compulsory land acquisition and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations provides some compensation .

  6. 对小型包裹递送业务的垄断不会立即对国际企业产生直接影响,但它们将受到其它条款的冲击,这些条款有利于中国邮政,将收紧专营限制,强制征收相关费用,以补贴邮政普遍服务。

    The monopoly on small package deliveries would not have any immediate direct affect on international companies , but they would be hit by other provisions favouring China Post , tightening licensing controls and compulsory payments to subsidise universal postal services .

  7. 社保基金是政府立法强制征收的的专项计息基金,是广大参保职工的养命钱和救命钱,是社保制度正常运行的物质基础。

    Social security funds as the special interest accrual fund are collected compulsively by government legislation , are " the life of money " and " help life money " to broad participating insurance labors . It is the material base to the normal operation of social security system .

  8. 上世纪90年代末,在美国贸易谈判代表的强烈反对下,新华社被迫基本上放弃对外国新闻机构强制施行管控和征收大笔费用。

    In the late 1990s Xinhua was forced largely to abandon an effort to impose controls and lucrative fees on foreign agencies after strong opposition from US trade negotiators .

  9. 可以首先尝试政府放弃农地征收中的强制定价权,待条件成熟后再逐步放弃非公益建设用地的征收权,实现由强制征收向市场化转用的渐进性制度变迁。

    Government could firstly try to abandon the pricing power in land expropriation , and then to gradually give away the expropriating right of non-public construction land when time is right , which is beneficial for the progressive institutional change from forced expropriation to market-oriented transformation .