
  1. 随着太阳西下,影子越拉越长。

    The shadows lengthened as the sun went down .

  2. 太阳西下,夜晚一片黑暗。

    After the sun has set , the night is dark .

  3. 当太阳开始西下,穆腾古找到小诺尼威。

    When the sun began to set Mutengu went to little Nonikwe .

  4. 桂西下甲方解石脉型水晶矿床是水晶矿床的新类型。

    Xiajia calcite vein - type mountain crystal deposit is a new type .

  5. 夕阳会西下,像落幕似地把夜暮降下。

    The sun would ring down , pulling darkness after it like a curtain .

  6. 是一种并肩共睹,朝阳东升、暮日西下;

    Is a shoulder to shoulder for everyone to see , Chaoyang Dongsheng , twilight day Nishishita ;

  7. 东升的太阳,西下的夕阳,无论何时,这一切的美景都是那样的自然。

    Sun Dongsheng , Xixia sunset , regardless of when all this will have the same natural beauty .

  8. 我们一边喝着咖啡、吃着黑莓,一边看西下的太阳光变幻着不同的色彩。

    We had the berries with our coffee and watched the sun make dazzling colors in the western sky .

  9. 在新翻耕过的田地那边,太阳已经西下,河对岸高高的树林已经在幽暗的暮色中渐渐模糊。

    The sun was low across the new-plowed fields and the tall woods across the river were looming blackly in .

  10. 西下的落日洒在贫民院窗户上的光芒,与照在富人家豪宅上的一样光彩夺目;

    The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the almshouse as brightly as from the rich man 's abode ;

  11. 于是,我们重新坐下来,又吃又喝,一面眺望那逐渐西下的落日。

    So we sat again and ate and drank , in a place whence we could see the sun going down .

  12. 此时太阳已经西下,我幸运地在天黑之前找到了一间可以落脚的小酒馆。

    As night fell and the sun dipped below the horizon , I was all too grateful to take refuge in a tavern .

  13. “我到河边来,”她说,“要在太阳西下的时候,把我的灯飘浮到水上去。”

    I have come to the river , she said , to float my lamp on the stream when the daylight wanes in the west . '

  14. 据史料记载,他每日早早上朝,与他的大臣们商议大事直到太阳西下。

    According to historical records , he went to the imperial court early every morning , where he would discuss important matters with his ministers until sunset .

  15. 当西下的太阳令天空变得黯淡时,我想要躲一会儿,躲在你微笑的背后,而我的眼前总能看到你的双眸。

    When sundown pales the sky , I want to hide a while , behind your smile , And everywhere I 'd look , your eyes I 'd find .

  16. 国内市场与国外市场的连接已经逐渐打通,过去内外贸分隔的优势已经日落西下,在市场上的竞争优势已然岌岌可危。

    The connection of the domestic market and foreign market has gradually opened up . The advantage of the past domestic and foreign trade separated has sunset and the competition advantage in market is already precarious .

  17. 科学可以解释太阳为何从东升起,从西落下。

    Science can explain how the sun rises and sets .

  18. 开鲁盆地陆西凹陷下白垩统层序地层学和油气评价

    Lower Cretaceous Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Luxi Depression in Kailu Basin

  19. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘下古生界储层特征研究

    Research on the Reservoir Characteristics of the Lower Palaeozoic in Western Ordos Basin

  20. 鄂西地区下二叠统底部含煤建造中的硬质高岭土

    Hard Kaolin in the Coal Formation at the Bottom of the Lower Permian Series in Western Hubei

  21. 西秦岭下泥盆统尕拉组白云岩的沉积特征及成因探讨

    The studies on sedimentary characteristics and origin of the Dolomites at Early Devonian per-iod Gala formation in western region of West Qinling Range

  22. 昆明西山林下表土中花粉与植被间数量关系的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the relationship between the pollen percentages in forest surface samples and surrounding vegetation on West Mountain of kunming , yunnan

  23. 此类原油主要源于青西凹陷下沟组沉积于较强还原环境的藻纹层泥质白云岩。

    This type oil is mainly from the laminar algal shaly dolomite of Xiagou formation that deposited in the reduction environment of Qingxi Depression region .

  24. 由于中国大陆下对流层的压力正距平以及西太平洋下对流层的压力负距平,会为东亚沿岸地面带来乾冷的东北风距平。

    In lower troposphere , the positive anomaly of pressure in China and the negative anomaly of pressure in west Pacific Ocean bring cold-dry air into Eastern Asia .

  25. 攀西地区下湿田增种早春作物,是充分利用春季光温资源,提高复种指数的有效措施。

    Increasing planting early crops on the wetland is an effective measure to fully utilize the spring season resources of temperature or light and raise multiple crop index .

  26. 什么时候能够和你团聚在西窗下,一起剪烛芯,那时再来谈谈这个巴山夜雨的时刻。

    When we shall be able to trim wicks again , together in your western window , I would talk to you about this moment of night rain in Sichuan .

  27. 据资料记载:古代宴席以坐西面东为尊位,坐北面南次之,坐南面北又次之,坐东面西为下座。

    It was recorded that the most honorable guest sat facing the east , the next important guest sat facing the south , next facing the north and the last facing the west .

  28. 那是晨风中摇曳绽放的春色,那是书香里翰墨不干的沉吟,那是枫桥边千年不老的传说,那是西窗下缠绵不绝的情思。

    It was morning breeze swaying the Spring bloom , it is scholarly in calligraphy quit murmurings , it is a thousand years old Maple Side legend , it was lingering under the West Window Affectional .

  29. 因而,西氏笔下的主人公反抗所有的体制权威,除了用“我们”PK“他们”来形容之外,这些“英雄”不属于任何阶级。

    Mr Sillitoe 's heroes defied all systems and were part of no class , except " us " versus " them . "

  30. 多西他赛皮下注射缓释凝胶的制备及其体外释放行为研究

    Preparation of Docetaxel Hydrogels for Subcutaneous Injection and Their Release Profile in Vitro