
  1. 强力输送带图像信号串行传输频谱分析

    Spectrum analysis of serial image signals from a powerful belt conveyor

  2. 此外,本系统还为解决强力输送带运输系统的乘人问题创造了前提条件。

    The system also provides pre-requisite for man-riding by use of belt conveyor .

  3. 并计算了应力强度(?)强力输送带纵向防撕裂系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization to the Longitudinal Anti-Tearing System for the Heavy Intensity Conveyor Belt

  4. 强力输送带横向断裂预报装置中的皮带图象补偿

    To Realize Image Compensation in a Device Predicting Transverse Failure of Mine Conveyer Belt With Steel Wires

  5. 强力输送带接头防断裂探测报警系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization to the Anti-Crack Detection Alarming System for the Joint of the High-Intensity Conveyor Belt

  6. 钢丝绳芯输送带是最具代表性的高强力输送带,适合长距离、大运量、高速度的现代化输送的需要。

    Steel cord conveyor belt is the most representative high-strength conveyor belt , suitable for long-distance , large capacity , high speed modern transportation needs .

  7. 目前,强力输送带已成为矿山、港口码头、电厂和水泥厂等领域的生产中不可缺少的运输设备。

    At present , the powerful conveyor belt has become the indispensable transportation equipment in the fields of mines , ports , plant and cement production .

  8. 钢丝芯强力输送带是煤炭行业广泛使用的煤炭运输载体,煤炭输送带撕裂给安全生产带来极大隐患,因此针对煤炭输送带裂纹的检测具有重要的实际意义。

    As the carrier of the coal , steel cord conveyor belts are widely used in the coal industry . Ripping on coal conveyor belts brings great potential hazard in coal production .

  9. 不仅适用于强力输送带的在线无损检测,而且可用于物流中货物和生产线中高速运行产品的无损检测,具有很高的应用价值。

    Not only applicable to online nondestructive testing of powerful conveyor belt , and can be used in nondestructive testing of logistics goods and high-speed operation product , it has the very high application value .

  10. 结合强力输送带横向断裂预报检测系统,介绍一种数字图象信号电缆异步传输的具体实现方法,它满足某些工业检测和控制系统的远地数字信号传输的要求。

    In this paper , combined with the Crosswise Broken Forecast of the Forceful Conveyer Belt Detection System , a practical method of transmitting digital image signals in asynchronous way with television cable is mainly proposed .

  11. 强力输送带已广泛应用于矿山、港口和码头等领域,是国内外现代化生产中主要传送设备之一。

    Conveyor belt with steel wire ropes , which is one of primary transfer equipments in modern production at home and abroad , is extensively applied in various realms , such as mine , ports and wharfs , etc.

  12. 强力型织物芯输送带简称强力型输送带。

    Powerful Powerful short conveyor belt fabric conveyor belt .