
  • 网络johnny;johnnie;Jonny
  1. 强尼非常惊讶,要求约翰逊先生拿出证据。

    Johnny was astounded and asked Mr. Johnson to prove it .

  2. 考试后的一天,约翰逊先生在课堂上把强尼拉到讲台旁边问道:“强尼,我认为你在这次考试中作弊了。”

    In class one day , Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk after a test , and said , " Johnny , I have a feeling that you have been cheating on your tests . "

  3. 苏格兰人惊呆了,怔怔地站在那里,片刻之后对售票员说:“我的上帝啊!你不仅向我多收票钱,现在还淹死了我的儿子强尼。”

    The Scotsman stands shocked for a moment and says to the ticket collector , " My God ! Not only are you treat to overcharge me for the ticket — but now you 're gone a drowned my boy Jenny . "

  4. 强尼G从不隐瞒帮助别人是他的使命。

    Helping people is Johnny G 's not-so-secret mission .

  5. 首先因为这是强尼G(JohnnyG)发明出来的。

    Because , for a start , Johnny G invented it .

  6. 还是把这种装扮留给强尼・戴普(JohnnyDepp)那种人吧。

    Leave that look to the likes of Johnny Depp .

  7. 圣诞袜里将会塞满那些被宣传为可以把小波比(Poppy)或者小强尼(Jonny)培养成下一个马克.扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的礼物。

    Christmas stockings will be stuffed with toys marketed on a promise of turning little Poppy or Johnny into the next Mark Zuckerberg .

  8. 尽管“坏牙强尼”(JohnnyRotten)雪貂般的外表和咆哮般的歌声与约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)平静温和的职业主义相去甚远,但他们吸引歌迷——乃至我们的力比多——的力量是一样的。

    And though Johnny Rotten 's ferrety features and snarling delivery might have seemed a long way from John Lennon 's placid professionalism , their grip on a room - and on our libidos - was identical .

  9. 当家人围坐在一起吃晚饭时,我眼眶湿润地感慨道:“不知道强尼(Johnny)现在在干吗”,接着我就听到了他从家中房间传来的喊声:“我在看《发展受阻》((ArrestedDevelopment)呢。”

    Misty-eyed , when the rest of the family was having dinner , I 'd say , ' I wonder what Johnny 's doing right now , ' and then I 'd hear him call from the family room , ' I 'm watching ' Arrested Development . "

  10. 上周五,《加勒比海盗》中的明星演员强尼•戴普(JohnnyDepp)出现在了阿纳海姆会议中心。他以一身杰克船长的全副装扮亮相,引来观众一片尖叫。

    Behind the scenes at Disney 's first fan convention Last Friday , Johnny Depp came onto a stage at the Anaheim Convention Center and wowed the crowd by appearing in full costume as Captain Jack Sparrow , the star of the Pirates of the Caribbean films .

  11. 艾希你是我在强尼后面没问题

    Ash , you 're after . Johnny , I got it

  12. 显然他告诉沙强尼那个女孩不错。

    He told Johnny Shapiro that she 's quite a girl .

  13. 我妻子,强尼,还有其他人。

    There 's my wife , Johnny Phoenix and the others .

  14. 强尼因为不乖就被赶进他的房间。

    Johnny had been misbehaving and was sent to his room .

  15. ::四天后妈妈:强尼,我想谢谢你。

    Four days later Johnny , I want to thank you .

  16. ::强尼,我不敢相信你会做这种事。

    Johnny , I can 't believe you would do that .

  17. 强尼,这是你的隔夜蛋糕和焦糊咖啡

    Johnny , here 's your stale cake and burnt coffee .

  18. 妈妈:喔,强尼,那不过是一元商店的便宜货。

    Oh , Johnny , that stuff was dollar store junk .

  19. 强尼说:我有两个不想去学校的好理由。

    Number two : You are the principal of the school .

  20. 而且出一万元要他与强尼解约。

    And he offered him $ 10000 to let Johnny go .

  21. 强尼,你不能在公共场合用超能力。

    You can 't use your powers in public , johnny .

  22. 还有你强尼,别再乱来。

    And you , johnnie , you gotta stop acting stupid .

  23. 强尼是篮球校队里面打得最好的。

    Johnny is the best player on the school basketball team .

  24. 不会吧,这是强尼画的

    I think this is Johnny 's art . No way .

  25. 或许之前我对强尼的判断都错了

    I may have been wrong about everything else about Johnny ,

  26. 快点,趁强尼还没来,咱们赶紧撤

    Come on , let 's bolt before Johnny gets here ,

  27. 是强尼诶那是我的儿子我的儿子

    It 's Johnny . That 's my son , my son

  28. 帮我写下汤米,迪伦,罗比,强尼…

    Put down Tommy , Dylan , Robbie , Johnny ...

  29. 麦克斯和强尼的第一次约会,真为你骄傲

    Max and Johnny 's first date . So proud .

  30. 强尼和市长一定关系暧昧。

    Johnny and the mayor must have been very tight .