
  • 网络dynamic replacement
  1. 在深圳地区强夯置换法加固填海路基应用非常广泛,并在实践中取得了较好的处理效果。

    In Shenzhen area the subgrade of reclamation strengthened by dynamic replacement method has found widespread application , and has obtained a good processing effect in practice .

  2. 对于块石回填区域,采用了强夯置换法加固。强夯置换法同时还具有动力固结效应。

    For stone backfilling area , adopt dynamic replacement method , which simultaneously has dynamic consolidation effect .

  3. 主要采用的软基处理方法有换土垫层法、强夯置换法及CFG桩复合地基。

    The main treatments method are the replacement method , the dynamic consolidation replacement method and the cement fly-ash gravel pile method .

  4. CFG桩控制深厚层软土地基沉降的试验研究深层淤泥场地的双层强夯置换法研究

    Experimental Study on the Settlement Control of High-speed Raiway Subgrade over Deep Soft Clay Reinforced by CFG Piles Research of Double-Layer Dynamic Compaction Replacement Method for Deep Soft Clay

  5. 采用强夯置换法处理淤泥或淤泥质土在《建筑地基处理技术规范》JGJ79-2002及一些行业规程中均己涉及。

    The heavy tamping replacement method on the silt and the silt clay has been involved in the technical code for ground treatment of building ( JGJ79-2002 ) and some professional technical specifications .

  6. 强夯置换法处理松软地基的经验总结

    Experience summarization of treating soft foundation by heavy tamping displacement method

  7. 强夯置换法加固厂房地基

    Stabilization of foundation by strong tamping replacing method in workshop

  8. 强夯置换法处理饱和淤泥质土地基的加固效果分析

    Analysis of Effect of Dynamic Compaction Replacement Treatment for Saturated Mucky Soil Foundation

  9. 深层淤泥场地的双层强夯置换法研究

    Research of Double - Layer Dynamic Compaction Replacement Method for Deep Soft Clay

  10. 通过强夯置换法试验,检测强夯工法的有效加固深度和动力固结效应。

    Check effective treatment depth of dynamic technique and dynamic consolidation effect through dynamic replacement test .

  11. 采用特殊的小底面积置换夯锤,并采用渐变的夯击能量,应用强夯置换法对码头前沿区地基进行了加固处理。

    The foundation of wharf apron space was improved by use of special rammer of small base area , gradual tamping energy and dynamic replacement .

  12. 实践表明:强夯置换法对含石填土层,淤泥质粘土层是一种经济有效的地基加固方法。

    The practice has proofed it is a kind of effective and economic way to reinforce the groundsill of combined backfill stone layer with silt and clay .

  13. 从施工结果看,采用强夯置换法处理车河站斜坡软土操作容易,效果明显。

    According to the construction results , it is easy to treat the slope soft soil at the Chehe station with heavy-tamping replacement method and its effects are obvious .

  14. 强夯置换法是一种处理地基的有效方法,具有适应性广、效果好、造价低、工期短的特点。

    Forced tamping replacement , as a kind of soil foundation treatment , is widely used with the merits of good effect low cost within the shortest time limit for a project .

  15. 以厦门市某工业园项目实际工程为背景,对试验区夯沉量、地表隆起及动力触探检测结果进行分析,得出强夯置换法处理工程软弱地基达到了预期的加固效果。

    Taking the actual project as an example , based on the sinks of the tamped area , the apophysis and the dynamic penetration result , this technique can achieve the anticipated reinforcement effect .

  16. 强夯置换墩法处理公路软基的机制研究

    Study of mechanism of dynamic compaction replacement for reinforcing highway soft roadbed

  17. 强夯置换碎石桩法处理公路地基应用的探讨

    The discussion on application of dynamic replacement gravel pile in highway foundation

  18. 强夯置换深度的估算强夯置换法的工程实践

    Estimation of the displacement depth in dynamic replacement Practical Method of Dynamic Heavy Ramming Substitution

  19. 高能量强夯石渣桩属于强夯置换法的一种,其结合了振动石渣桩及强夯法的优点,采用强夯将石渣夯入软土层中形成竖向石渣桩体。

    High-energy dynamic compaction stone column is a kind of dynamic replacement method . It combines the virtues of vibroflotation and dynamic compaction . Put the stone into soft soil through dynamic compaction .