
  1. 我们强大的团队包括了来自剑桥、Redmond、温哥华和中国的人们,一些团队成员还工作在德国和纽约。

    Our awesome team includes people in Cambridge , Redmond , Vancouver and China , and some team members operate from Germany and New York .

  2. 客户经理在他的部门建立了一个很强大的团队。

    The accounts manager has built a strong team in his department .

  3. 一些州有着强大的团队可以协商提高教授的工资。

    Some states have strong unions that have negotiated set increases in salaries for professors .

  4. 我们打造出了一支强大的团队。

    We built a strong team .

  5. 他们有一个强大的团队来处理各方面的项目。

    They have a big team already in place to handle all the aspects of the event .

  6. 长久以来,我们通过工作和学习将老师和学生融合在一起,形成强大的团队。

    Our long history has been based on bringing teachers and students together to work and learn as a team .

  7. 由于各行业的竞争日趋激烈,我们只有通过强大的团队才能击败对手。

    As competition in all lines of work grows increasingly fierce , we must defeat our rivals through powerful team work .

  8. 我有非常好的时间管理理念,而且无论何时我休息时,我都有我可以信任的一个强大的团队在我周围。

    I have a good sense of time management and a strong team around me that I can trust whenever I take a break .

  9. 他说,尽管如此他还是充满了信心,因为他与自己的团队在发射前的九个月里就已经建立了强大的团队精神。

    Yet he felt confident , he says , because of the chemistry he built with his team during the nine months prior to launch .

  10. 面完以后觉得这样的说辞好像不太妥当,我不应该把不能顺利结局工作中的问题的原因仅仅归结在没有一个强大的团队和有效的公司管理。

    Besides the problem above , I found another problem which is that I couldn 't provide my clients satisfied service during the last work experience .

  11. 工作有困难,但是我们是一个强大的团队,我知道团结一心我们能完成任务。

    It 's going to be tough , but we 've got a great team here , and I know that together we can tackle this project .

  12. 有野心和希望不难,但真正重要的是一个强大的团队、良好的记录和一项真正经得起仔细审核的业务。

    Ambition and hope are easy – what matters are a strong team , a sound record and an operation that can really stand up to scrutiny .

  13. 作为视频游戏和奥运会的老兵,他们将到达伦敦作为一个强大的团队,提供有趣的、有竞争力的体育活动,朋友和家庭成员可以一起享受。

    As veterans of both video games and Olympic games , they 'll arrive in London as a formidable team to provide fun , competitive sporting activities that friends and family members can enjoy together .

  14. 纽曼和物理学教授布莱克特一起,组建了一个强大的团队,这个团队认为,电子计算机不应该被达尔文独家垄断。

    In moving from a Cambridge lectureship to a Manchester University chair , he was following Blackett , then Professor of Physics . Together they constituted a formidable team , and one which did not see why Darwin should monopolise electronic computers .

  15. 为了迎接新经济的挑战,CEMS公司于2001年成立了重大活动管理部,使公司强大的会展团队得到进一步充实,更好地发挥协同增效作用。

    To meet the challenges of the New Economy , CEMS has established the Special Events Division in2001 , complementing the synergy of our strong conference and exhibition teams .

  16. 我们有强大的开发团队&优良的生产设备。

    We have a strong development team & excellent production facilities .

  17. 击败强大的克林顿团队已经是一项了不起的成就。

    Beating the mighty Clinton machine is an astonishing achievement .

  18. 我们禀赋雄厚资源,拥有一个来自全球富有经验、能力强大的专家团队。

    We have the resources , a team of experienced highly qualified experts from around the world .

  19. 组建一支高效强大的销售团队,完成公司每年的业绩指标。

    In order to build an efficient and strong sales team , achieve the company target each year .

  20. 紫继拥有强大的技术团队,严谨的设计理念,通过ISO9001:2000认证。

    Ziji owns a powerful engineering team and holds a strict designing ethic , with certification issued by ISO9001:2000 .

  21. 我们剧组的工作人员都非常出色,我们有一流的制片人和强大的制作团队。

    Our studio execs are really good , we have awesome producers and we 've got a team of strong people .

  22. 丰富的业务经验、强大的研发团队、优惠的产品价格是我们实力的体现。

    Wealth of business experience , strong research and development team , the preferential price is a reflection of our strength .

  23. 我们强大的研发团队,为您答疑解惑,提供全面快捷的服务。

    Our professional R & D team will provide individual solutions and comprehensive , efficient services to cater to your needs .

  24. 一个实力强大的银行家团队凭借其与政商界精英的紧密关系建立声望。

    A powerful group of bankers built their reputation on their strong links with the cream of the corporate and political world .

  25. 理查德说,华为在研发方面表现非常出色,而且拥有非常强大的管理团队。

    They are quite impressive at research and development , ' Mr. Richard said . ' They have very strong management . '

  26. 通过多年努力,我们组建了强大的服务团队,以行业资深背景人士为管理层,并拥有专业的操作人员及销售队伍。

    With years of development , Broad Road has built up a powerful and comprehensive team , composed with experienced managements , professional sales and dependable customer service .

  27. 强大的设计团队、先进的加工工艺和经验丰富的模具开发师傅、能够为您打造出高品质的模具。并可为您提供优质的注塑加工。

    Strong design group , advanced machining technical and also experienced mould maker , will bring you the high quality mould , also can supply the perfect plastic injection .

  28. 用友软件凭借雄厚的资金,强大的研发团队,丰富的知识储备和大批老客户占据了大半个国内管理软件市场。

    Because of abundant fund , powerful R & D team and lots of faithful customers , UFIDA have the domestic management ware market share more than a half .

  29. 如果你有个宏图大志,比如说在10年内使业务规模翻番,那么你最好有一支强大的创新团队来帮你实现这个目标。

    If you have an ambition that you want to double the size of your business in , say , 10 years , you had better have a big innovation pipeline to help get you there .

  30. 它们能精确识别食物和水源的方向,表现出了强大的团结和团队决策能力。象群内的分工也很明确。未来还有可能北移

    They can identify the direction of food and water resources very precisely and group decision-making .