
qiáng hàn
  • Strong;intrepid;doughty;valiant
强悍 [qiáng hàn]
  • [valiant] 强横勇猛。亦指强横勇猛的人

强悍[qiáng hàn]
  1. 日本进口EM原菌种,对地毒、病杂菌有强力搜筛能力,强悍的“搜捕、攻杀”作用。

    Japan imports the EM-Biological fungus , to the digoxin , the sickness mixed fungus has the force to search for sieves ability , intrepid " hunts down and arrests , attacks kills " the function .

  2. 空中的打击配合着地面的强悍攻击,马上使局面进入了一边倒的状态。

    The airborne attack cooperated with intrepid attack causes the situation to enter the condition immediately which leans to one side .

  3. 该作品带有残酷的强悍和野性的幽默感。

    The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous

  4. 温特夫人块头很大,个性也较强悍。

    Mrs Winter was large and somewhat overpowering .

  5. 她明确表示,尽管工会很强悍,但政府将坚持自己的政策。

    She made it clear the government would stick to its policies despite union militancy

  6. 他作风强悍,作决定不怕得罪人,这是出了名的。

    He is a man with a reputation for being tough and unafraid of unpopular decisions

  7. 他的履历显示他性格强悍。

    His record reveals a tough streak

  8. 在他身上,生命的两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。

    In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced : male and female , strength and compassion , severity and mercy .

  9. 他们个个都是身材魁梧、强悍有力的人,凡事不太会考虑什么后果的。

    They were big powerful men , with not much capacity to weigh the consequences .

  10. 少年时候,他强悍好斗是乡里的一大祸患。

    Tough and fierce and fond of fighting in his youth , Zhou Chu was a big scourge1 in the county .

  11. “阿尔塔男”不再关注身上是否有足够的男性特质(力量、强悍、短时间内赢得尊重以及一天之内留出上唇胡须的能力),而是更在意友好、智慧、风趣以及关爱等品质。

    They are less interested in having typically ' masculine ' traits ( strength , toughness , instant respect and the ability to grow a moustache by sundown ) , and are more interested in qualities such as friendliness , intelligence , being interesting and caring .

  12. 强悍的新加坡政府投资公司(GovernmentInvestmentCorporationofSingapore,简称GIC)并不常成为异端思想的滋生地。

    The doughty Government Investment Corporation of Singapore is not often a hotbed of heretical thought .

  13. 他是一个相当强悍的CEO,他为微软狂热地工作着。

    He is a quite doughty CEO , he is working for Microsoft enthusiastically .

  14. 同时死骑在PVP的强悍也是兔子的尾巴长不了了,所以我们现在要专注圣骑士了。

    Also , you aren 't going to see any PvP DKs for a long time , so we need to focus on paladins for now .

  15. 由强悍而令人难以应对的或紧张的一个或多个事件所引发,PTSD是大脑化学上和生理上改变的结果。

    Brought on by an overwhelming or stressful event or events , PTSD is the result of altered chemistry and physiology of the brain .

  16. 但马云本人是个强悍的竞争者:阿里巴巴击退了eBay,是完全凭借自身力量击退西方竞争者的少数中国互联网公司之一。

    But Mr. Ma himself is a ferocious competitor : Alibaba is one of the few Chinese Internet companies that have managed to fight off a Western competitor eBay entirely on its own .

  17. 克里斯汀·斯图尔特(KristenStewart)和詹妮弗·劳伦斯(JenniferLawrence)——人们希望看到电影里有真正强悍的女性角色处于主导地位,你不能再把这些片子当成小妞电影。

    Kristen Stewart or Jennifer Lawrence - people want to go and see these films with these really strong female characters at the helm , and you can 't deem them chick flicks anymore .

  18. 鉴于我的丈夫是prospect杂志的编辑,他手机里有一些英国最强悍的知识女性和一些可爱的年轻实习生、保姆、清洁工等人的名字,因此造成尴尬的可能性非常高。

    Given that my husband is editor of prospect magazine and his mobile contains the names of some of the doughtiest female intellectuals in Britain as well as some sweet young interns , the nanny , the cleaner and so on , the potential for awkwardness was really quite high .

  19. (另一位统计学家约瑟夫•伯克森(JosephBerkson)提出,假如一个人强悍到足以抵制广告的诱惑和同龄人的压力,那么他也强悍到足以抵抗肺癌。)

    ( Another statistician , Joseph Berkson , observed that people who were tough enough to resist adverts and peer pressure were also tough enough to resist lung cancer . )

  20. 是的,目前OSSS只是一个功能验证版。它将是更加复杂强悍易用的防护的基础。

    Anyway , it 's better to use OSSS as complex protection , because it gives a very strong protection .

  21. 与伊朗关系没有缓和、中东和平进程没有任何突破性进展、在阿富汗未取得胜利,愿意通过多边谈判与世界接触,尚未证明比乔治w布什(georgew.bush)强悍的单边主义效果更好。

    There has been no rapprochement with Iran , no breakthrough in the Middle East peace process , no victory in Afghanistan , no confirmation that a willingness to engage with the world in multilateral negotiations will yield better results than the muscular unilateralism of President George W. Bush .

  22. 34岁的银行家JungYu-chul表示:我对朝鲜的看法有了一些改变,因为这起攻击让我感到,朝鲜似乎要变得比以前更具挑衅性、更加强悍。

    My view of North Korea has changed a bit because its attacks look like they are going to be more provocative or stronger than in the past , says Jung Yu-chul , a 34-year-old banker .

  23. 卡魔拉这个角色虽然似曾相识,但还是超越了大多数强悍的女性角色——你知道这样的女孩,她们很凶悍,但到最后变得无关紧要,就是博客写手塔莎·罗宾森(TashaRobinson)最新写的所谓“崔妮缇综合征”。

    However familiar , Gamora turns out to be better than most Strong Female Characters - you know those girls : They 're fierce and finally inconsequential - that the blogger Tasha Robinson went after in a recent post about the so-called Trinity Syndrome .

  24. 这也许能解释为什么,就像时尚界有围裙一样(比如去年2月芬迪[Fendi]时装秀上的强悍铁匠风格皮质围裙和连衫围裙以及MiuMiu的20世纪50年代卡通风格围裙),围裙也有自己的时尚。

    This perhaps explains why , just as there are aprons in fashion ( see the tough smithlike leather aprons and apron dresses in last February 's Fendi show and the cartoonish 1950s pinafore styles at Miu Miu ) , there are fashions in aprons .

  25. 这应该归功于游戏的基本动作体系实在是很强悍吧。

    This is because the base mechanics are quite awesome indeed .

  26. 看到这里,你还不相信它比海豹突击队更强悍吗?

    Not convinced this is ' better ' than the SEALs ?

  27. 你以为子弹会知道你有多强悍吗?

    Think this bullet gives a shit how tough you are ?

  28. 我够敏锐,够强悍。

    And I 'm edgy enough and I 'm tough enough .

  29. 曼斯雷德手下的野人很强悍.

    The Wildlings who fight for Mance Rayder are hard men .

  30. 不管你再敏捷、强悍。

    You may be fast , you may be strong .