
  1. 在罗尔斯构想的正义社会里,生产资料广泛地、分散地存在于公民个人手中,财富和收入的分配遵循差别原则。

    But in Rawls ' blueprint , the means of production is widely and separately possessed among citizens and the distribution of wealth and income follows the difference principle .

  2. 摘要在1971年出版的《正义论》里,罗尔斯将程序正义分为:完善的程序正义、不完善的程序正义、纯粹的程序正义;并认为:纯粹的程序正义决定了结果的实体正义。

    John Rawls divided the procedural justice into the perfected procedural justice and non-perfected justice and pure procedural justice in the book named on a theory of justice that was published in the1971 , and hold that pure procedural justice can decide the substantive justice of the result .

  3. 虽然在超越正义环境的社会里,市场的消亡也许可能,罗尔斯却宣称,在要求必须公正解决竞争的任何社会里,市场消亡均不可能。

    However , while elimination of markets might be possible in a society that transcends the circumstances of justice , Rawls claims that it is not possible in any society where a fair resolution of competing claims is necessary .