
  1. 他们的领导人不再了解该国正发生的一切。

    Their leaders have lost touch with what is happening in the country .

  2. 数字电视服务(DigitalTVservices,DTV)领域正发生着快速的变化。

    The landscape for digital TV services ( DTV ) is changing rapidly .

  3. 在全面走向市场经济的中国现代社会,尤其是在加入WTO的时代背景下,我国的新闻业在生存环境和价值取向上正发生着急剧的变化。

    Under the background of market economy and WTO entry , China 's news industry changes the existing environment and value orientation .

  4. 随着Internet的飞速发展,诸如电子商务、电子政务、办公自动化等数字化应用正在世界范围内迅速崛起,人们的生产、生活方式正发生着深刻地变革。

    A number of the digital applications , such as E-Business , E-Government , OA , are growing up in the global range with rapid progress of Internet . The mode of life is also profoundly changing .

  5. 萨德勒表示,她认为这种情况正发生变化,更多奢侈品公司开始将部分生产业务转移到这里,与coach一样。

    MS Sadler says she believes this is now changing , with more luxury goods companies beginning to bring some of their manufacturing onshore as coach has done .

  6. 《正发生》的导演奥黛丽·迪万(AudreyDiwan)说,她是怀着愤怒和欲望拍摄的这部电影。

    Audrey Diwan who directed Happening said she 'd made the movie with both anger and desire .

  7. 本周三是世界地球日。就前美国航空暨太空总署太空人埃德加-米契尔和其他UFO狂热者而言,真实的事件正发生于某些地方。

    Earth Day may fall later this week , but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned , the real story is happening elsewhere .

  8. 巴克莱(Barclays)股东已迫使这家英国银行接受更严格的奖金条件并承诺支付更高股息,这突显出一些全球最大银行的投资者和管理者之间的实力平衡正发生转移。

    Shareholders in Barclays have forced the British bank to accept tougher bonus conditions and promise higher dividends , highlighting how the balance of power between investors and managers is shifting at some of the biggest global banks .

  9. 随着我国加入WTO,国有建筑企业经营的内外环境正发生着一系列的深刻变化,人力资源管理作为企业的轴心管理,对提升建筑企业管理水平和企业可持续发展有着深远的影响。

    With our country 's entering of WTO , profound changing is taking place in the interior and exterior of state-owned construction enterprise management . As the kernel management of enterprise , human resource management provides profound value to the promotion of construction enterprise management level and its sustainable development .

  10. 随着社会的发展,STS教育的内容、方法和形式正发生着变化,为利用社会热点问题开展初中生物教学的行动研究提供了行动方向。

    Along with the development of society , the STS education content , the method and the form are changing . It points the way in action research on junior high biology teaching by using social hot topics .

  11. FJC是一种新发展的荧光染料,对正发生变性的神经元(包括胞体、树突、轴突和轴突末梢)有高度的亲和力,特异性标记中枢神经系统正发生变性的神经元。

    FJC is a new-developed fluorescent Fluoro-Jade ( FJ ) dye which has high affinity for degenerating neurons including cell body , dendrites , axons and axon terminals .

  12. 近50a来,我国的西北内陆河流域,与世界很多干旱、半干旱的缺水地区一样,水文循环及其生态功能正发生着一系列衰退及相伴的生态环境恶化现象。

    In recent 50 years , being similar to many water scarcity areas in arid and semi arid regions of the world , the degradation of hydrological cycle and its ecological function and in turn the exacerbation of ecological environment have been occurring over inland river basins in Northwest China .

  13. A为奥运会的召开北京正发生着巨大的变化。

    A Beijing itself is changing so much for the Olympics .

  14. 我打电话给理查,告诉他正发生的事。

    I called rich and told him what I was experiencing .

  15. 实际上,或许决策者们甚至乐于见到目前正发生的状况。

    Indeed , policymakers may even welcome what is occurring .

  16. 你们可以看到它们此刻正发生在你们的地球上。

    You can see them occurring in your world at the moment .

  17. 目前,中国的高等教育正发生着深刻的变化。

    Nowadays , Chinese higher education is undergoing profound changes .

  18. 所有的,过去的,正发生的,&那些关于我的事。

    All past , is happening , - those things about me .

  19. 而随着气候变化的影响,它们正发生得越发频繁。

    and it 's getting more frequent because of climate change effects .

  20. 因为你说的那些事情正发生在我们身上。

    Because what 's happening is now happening to us .

  21. 我知道正发生一些事因为我发短信给…

    You knew why I knew something was happening because I texted ...

  22. 加工贸易结构正发生着重要变化;

    The structure of the processing trade keeps changing ;

  23. 种种事实和迹象表明,中国的经济理论研究正发生着范式的转型。

    There are indications that the transferring of economics paradigm exits in China .

  24. 在上海,不仅是空中轮廓线正发生迅速的变化。

    It is not only the skyline that is changing fast in Shanghai .

  25. 中国当代社会正发生着深刻的变化。

    Modern China has been witnessing substantial social changes .

  26. 斯诺称,循证医学目前正发生着翻天覆地的变化。

    There is a seismic shift happening toward evidence-based medicine , Snow said .

  27. 因为重点是这正发生在我们每个人身上。

    because the point is that this is happening to all of us .

  28. 这个城市正发生着许多事情。

    There 's so much happening in this city .

  29. 不过,在欧佩克的家门口,正发生着第二种转变。

    But there is a second transition happening closer to home for OPEC .

  30. 而且该行业正发生结构性转变。

    And the industry is undergoing structural change .