
  • 网络Wrestler
  1. 另外她做过一段时间的摔角选手,还有过当演员的经历。

    She 's also done stints as a wrestler and has some experience acting .

  2. 比如说,身为一位摔角选手他的肩膀、他的背、以及他的大腿都要有格外的力量。

    To be a wrestler , for instance , requires extraordinary strength in one 's shoulders , back , and thighs .

  3. 摔角选手们进行比赛的地方。

    A ring in which wrestlers compete .

  4. 要不然,你会像一个小孩一样,有时假装是一个摔角选手,有时是一个士兵,有时是一个音乐家,有时则是一个悲剧中的演员。

    Otherwise , you will be like a child who sometimes pretends he or she is a wrestler , sometimes a soldier , sometimes a musician , sometimes an actor in a tragedy .