
  • vacant;empty room
空房间 [kōng fáng jiān]
  • [vacant] 没有居住者的房间

  • 可即刻接待新房客的空房间

  1. 办公室的后边有几个空房间。

    There is a couple of vacant rooms behind the office .

  2. 下午好,还有空房间吗?

    Good afternoon , is there a vacant room here ?

  3. 我想让你住进我的公寓,我们还有一个空房间。

    I want you to move into my apartment . We 've a spare room .

  4. 旅行者无法在汽车旅馆找到空房间。

    The traveller searched in vain for a vacancy at motels .

  5. 就像是哈利波特和空房间。

    It 'll be like Harry Potter and the empty apartment .

  6. 你能不能查一下宾馆里是不是有空房间?

    Could you check if the hotel has any rooms free ?

  7. 不知你们有没有住三天的空房间。

    I wonder if you have any vacancies for three nights .

  8. 他向四周张望,但只看到那个空房间。

    He glanced about , but seeing only the empty room .

  9. 这个时间恐怕没有空房间了。

    I am afraid we have no vacancy at this time .

  10. 但是后面有个空房间。

    But I 've got a spare room in the back .

  11. 我从哪儿读到过,一个空房间就是一个机会。

    I read somewhere that an empty room is an opportunity .

  12. 您好,这周末您那里还有空房间吗?

    Hello , do you have a room available for this weekend ?

  13. 我要查查那几天有没有空房间。

    I 'll check our room availability foe those days .

  14. 我们找遍全镇,想寻一个空房间。

    We looked all over town for a vacant room .

  15. 我想知道你们明天有空房间吗?

    I am wondering if you have any vacancies tomorrow ?

  16. 他有一些空房间要租给学生。

    She had a few vacant rooms to rent for the students .

  17. 晚饭我请客。33.你们有空房间吗?

    Dinner is on me.33.do you have a room available ?

  18. 我甚至找不到一家旅馆有空房间。

    I couldn 't even find a hotel with a vacant room .

  19. 嗯,我们还有几个空房间。

    Yes , we still have a few vacancies left .

  20. 这儿确实有很多空房间

    We do have a good number of rooms here .

  21. 哦,那这里就有很多空房间了!

    Oh , then there 's plenty of free room !

  22. 他问有没有空房间能出租。

    He asked if there was a room to let .

  23. 雾消退,我的空房间长冷。

    As filaments of mist subside , my empty room grows cold .

  24. 蜜蜂都飞出去了,空房间毗邻空房间。

    One empty room next to another after the bees fly out .

  25. 对的,我们今晚没有更多的空房间。

    You are right . We have no more rooms available for tonight .

  26. 这家旅馆有空房间吗?

    Are there any vacant rooms in this hotel ?

  27. 一些旅馆的削价做法表明它们也许还有大量的空房间。

    Price-cutting at many hotels suggests there may be a glut of rooms .

  28. 再上面一层有什么空房间吗?

    Do you have anything on a higher floor ?

  29. 要我传话吗?你们有空房间吗?

    Can I take a message ? 33.do you have a room available ?

  30. 听说你有空房间。

    I 've been told you have vacant room .