
kōnɡ zài diàn yā
  • no-load voltage;open circuit voltage;floating voltage
  1. 晶闸管弧焊整流器空载电压的设计

    The design of open circuit voltage of the thyristor are welding rectifier

  2. 设定空载电压、短路电流;

    Insolation of the main circuit from the controlled circiut and the setting of open circuit voltage and short circuit ensures normal performance of IGBT .

  3. 基于ANSYS的军用移动电源空载电压仿真研究

    Simulation Study on No-load Voltage of Military Portable Generator Based on ANSYS

  4. 试验表明,该焊机在空载电压45V、焊接电流≥15A时可稳定焊接铝合金。

    Experiment shows the welder can weld AL alloy steadily under non loaded voltage 45V and welding current ≥ 15A .

  5. 提出了TIG焊电源的要求,即空载电压、电源外特性、调节特性、负载持续率。同时也讲述了TIG焊电源的工艺参数,即电流种类的选择;

    This paper puts forward the request of TIG welding power , including external characteristic of no-load voltage , adjustment characteristic and duty cycle , also it relates the technology parameters of TIG welding power , namely the choice of current type ;

  6. 进行了电源主电路各部分压降的理论分析和试验,确定了28V超低空载电压。

    The theoretic analyses of voltage drops for all parts of the power source main circuit and lots of experiments were carried out , and a very low no load voltage ( 28 V ) was determined .

  7. 同步发电机空载电压波形的齿磁通计算

    Tooth flux method of calculating no-load voltage waveform of synchronous generators

  8. 整流电源空载电压对等离子电弧特性的影响

    Influence of the Open-circuit Voltage of Source on Plasma arc Characteristic

  9. 低空载电压电子控制弧焊电源的研制

    Development of Electronic Control Type Arc Welding Source with Low Open-circuit Voltage

  10. 高的空载电压及良好的推力补偿功能。

    High no-load voltage and good ability of trust compensation .

  11. 空载电压、短路电流和输出功率沿通道的分布;

    The open-circuit voltage , short-circuit current and power distributions along the channel ;

  12. 采用不对称磁极优化水轮发电机空载电压波形

    No-load Voltage Waveform Optimization of Hydro-generator With Asymmetric Poles

  13. 交流励磁电机空载电压波形的仿真计算

    Simulating Calculation for the Voltage Waveform of AC Exciting Machine with No load

  14. 牵引变电所直流空载电压的换算与估算

    Conversion and Estimation of the DC Zero - load Voltage in Traction Transformer Substation

  15. 同步发电机空载电压计算方法比较

    Calculating No-load Harmonic Voltage of Synchronous Generators

  16. 低空载电压的弧焊电源交直流两用弧焊电源

    Low idle voltage arc-welding power supply

  17. 自并励励磁系统发电机空载电压阶跃响应指标对电力系统扰动品质的影响

    Effects of no load voltage step response index on disturbance quality of power system for self excited shunt excitation system

  18. 试验结果表明:焊前改变焊机副边空载电压及初始工件干伸长可以在较大范围内改变温度分布;

    The modification of secondary no load voltage and initial clamping distance set before welding can in a large range modify the welding temperature distribution of each specimen .

  19. 新的《工频柴油发电机组技术条件》中,将原标准中的“空载电压整定范围”改为“电压整定范围”。

    In the current 《 Technical specification of diesel generating sets 》, the " voltage regulate range at no load " have been changed to " voltage regulate range " .

  20. 应用叠加高电压式电子稳弧器于低空载电压弧焊电源,可以使之成为一种稳弧、安全、节能、省材的焊接电源。

    The low open-circuit voltage type arc welding source with the superposed high voltage type electronic arc stabilizer may be a kind of welding source which is of arc-stability , safety , energy-saving and material-saving .

  21. 提出了电网电压波动较大时必须考虑空载电压大小对铁心振动的影响,评价绕组的振动水平时必须考虑负载电流的大小.研究内容对于振动信号分析法的推广应用具有重要意义。

    It is pointed out that the influence of no-load voltage on core vibration and the influence of loading current on winding vibration ought to be considered , especially , for the situation of remarkably undulatory net-voltage .

  22. 利用该单元电机场路耦合时步有限元模型,对发电机机端开路、三相突然短路过程进行了仿真计算,得到了发电机空载电压曲线以及定转子绕组的短路电流动态响应曲线。

    Using the unit generator Field-circuit Coupled Time-Stepping Finite Element Model , the open-circuit of generator terminal ends as well as the stator three-phase sudden short circuit process are simulated . The no-load voltage curves , and the short-circuit current dynamic curves of stator windings and field winding are gotten .

  23. 在65%额定转速下,两台样机经整流后的空载输出电压比额定电压分别高2.5V和2.2V;

    The output voltage of unloading after commutating is 2.5V and 2.2V higher than the rating voltage ;

  24. 阻尼绕组对谐波励磁同步发电机空载谐波电压的影响

    The Effect of Damper Windings on the No-load Harmonic Voltage of Synchronous Generators by the Third Harmonic Excitation

  25. 该调制方法引入了负载反馈机制,有效解决了轻载和空载输出电压不可控的问题。

    This modulation method effectively solves the problem of output voltage is not controllable with light load and no-load by the introduction of feedback mechanism to it .

  26. 为了快速准确计算谐波励磁同步发电机和普通同步发电机的空载谐波电压,提出一种齿磁通法计算谐波电压。

    For quickly and accurately calculating no-load voltage waveform of harmonic excitation synchronous generators and common synchronous generators , a new method , named as tooth flux method , is proposed .

  27. 电抗器作为限制电力系统的操作过电压和空载过电压、抵消高压输电线路的容性充电电流的重要设备,对电力系统的安全稳定运行起着至关重要的作用。

    As a device to restrain the operating over voltage and unloaded over voltage and counteract capacitive character charging current in long transmission lines , inductor play an important role in the safety and stability of the whole electric power system .

  28. 首先由一台运用电力电子技术设计的高频逆变电源输出电压幅值和频率可调的方波,通过高频变压器升压后,其空载输出正弦电压0~20kV;

    Fist , we design an inverter power supply with adjustable magnitude and frequency based on power electronics .

  29. 黑启动方案的空载合闸过电压分析与仿真

    Switching Over-voltage Verification and Simulation of Unloaded Line in Black-start Scheme

  30. 黑启动路径空载合闸过电压分析软件的开发

    Development of Switching Overvoltage Analysis Software for Transmission-Line Energization in Black-Start Process