
  1. 一个面向空间应用系统的Internet市场模型

    A model of Internet marketplace for spatial application

  2. 对空间应用液体系统进行了模型分类,分析评述了先进空间液体量测量技术与系统模型的适用性。

    It were also analysed and assessed that the suitabilities of advanced techniques to liquid system models , which were classified based on the practical liquid systems on spacecrafts .

  3. 该系统在地面综合实验中,用于高速度、大容量的采集、显示、处理和存储来自空间应用实时系统相应的数据。

    In ground integrated experiments , this system is used to collect , display , process and store the great mass of data from aerospace application real time system at a high speed .

  4. 第四章通过应用实例&基于SIG的城市空间信息应用服务系统原型的开发介绍了在该系统中软件的使用方案。

    Fourth chapter introduced development in this system the software operational version through the application example ( the city space information application service system prototype based on SIG ) . Fifth chapter is conclusion .

  5. 基于空间卫星综合应用系统的天气预报业务框架构建

    The weather forecasting operation system based on synthetic space satellite applied system

  6. 空间应用图像传感器系统及其应用

    Space Application Imaging Sensor System And Its Application

  7. 基于Oraclespatial的GIS空间数据处理及应用系统开发

    The Spatial Data Access Technology and Application Development of GIS Based on Oracle Spatial

  8. 空间查询是GIS应用系统的基本功能之一,空间查询的功能和效率是GIS应用系统的重要指标。

    Spatial query is one of the basic functions in GIS applications . The efficiency of spatial query processing is significant for the performance of GIS applications .

  9. 面向空间应用的片上系统集成技术研究

    The Study of the Technology for SoC Oriented to Space Application

  10. 基于网络数据库技术的空间坐标测量机应用系统研究

    Application System of CMM Based on Network Database Technique

  11. 差错控制技术是保证空间应用大规模固态存贮器系统中图像数据完整性的关键技术之一。

    The error-control technique is one of the key techniques to preserve the image data integrity of large-scale solid-state recorder system in space application .

  12. 当机械臂的质量很轻,尤其是空间应用场合,机器人系统将受到高度柔性限制并且不可避免地产生机械振动。

    When the manipulator is lightweight , especially for space application , the robotic systems are subject to high degree of flexibility and encounter unavoidable mechanical vibration .

  13. 新的空间数据管理和应用系统更加重视系统的智能化,传统的大部分平台软件所提供的简单的查询功能已不能满足人们对空间查询功能的要求。

    With the development of intelligent GIS systems , the simple query function provided by the traditional GIS software cannot meet the new demands of spatial query .

  14. 硅纳米结构已成为现代集成电路、探测器和各种传感器的核心部分而广泛应用于微处理器、高速通信、便携式电子设备、微光电器件、卫星或其它空间应用、武器控制系统等。

    Silicon nanostructures are a central part of modern integrated circuits , detectors and sensors which are widely used in microprocessors , high speed communications , portable electronics , micro-photodetectors , satellites and weapon control systems , etc.

  15. 航天器环境效应综合预示系统及航天器虚拟总装工艺技术,是未来发展的趋势;而建立空间环境天地一体化应用系统和建立空间环境试验与总装生产体系,是未来发展的模式。

    The foundation of integrated prediction system of spacecraft environment and research of virtual integrated assembly techniques , the space-ground integrated application system of space environment and the production system of integrating assembly and space environment test are the future trend and the development modes of spacecraft environment engineering .

  16. 本文的研究成果已在国家地质应用网格系统、国家地质空间信息网格系统和面向城市的空间信息集成应用服务系统中得到实际应用。

    The prototype we designed here has been applied in the project of National Geology Grid , National Geology Spatial Information Grid , City Spatial Information Integrated Application Service System .