
  • 网络Shenzhou 4
  1. 微生物转谷氨酰胺酶生产菌的神舟四号飞船搭载育种研究&搭载前地面育种试验(I)

    Space Breeding of Microbial Transglutaminase-producing Strains Through Being Loaded in " Shenzhou 4 " Spacecraft - Ground Simulated Tests of Mutation before Loading ( I )

  2. 针对神舟四号飞船微波辐射计(RAD)特殊入射角、频率的特点,开发了海面和大气参数的反演算法。

    We developed a sea surface emissivity model and atmospheric model for special frequencies and incidence angles of RAD .

  3. 2002年12月30日,921一期神舟四号飞船发射成功后,对飞船轨道进行了四次单频GPS、SLR和USB联合观测。

    After ShenZhou ⅳ unmaned spacecraft launched successfully on Dec 30 2002 , the orbit of the spacecraft had been observed four times with single-frequency GPS receiver , SLR and USB .

  4. 利用神舟四号飞船搭载的凤仙花种子,对诱变当代(SP1)花、果实和种子的研究发现:花部性状有变化。

    Several SP_1 mutant plants are obtained from induced Impatiens balsamina seeds by space flight , and their flowers , fruits and seeds are investigated in this paper . It is found that the characters of flowers show great variations .

  5. 搭载在神舟四号(SZ-4)飞船上的主载荷多模态微波遥感器(M~'RS)是我国第一台实验性的舟载微波遥感系统。

    The multiple model microwave remote sensor is an important part of the payload carried by Shenzhou IV spacecraft launched on 30 December 2002 and is also China 's first experimental microwave remote sensing system operating in space .

  6. 神舟四号飞船微波辐射计数据处理与地表参数反演研究

    Microwave Radiometer Carried by Shenzhou IV Data Processing and Land Surface Parameters Retrieval

  7. 神舟四号中的空间环境研究

    Space environment studies for the SZ-4 spacecraft

  8. 神舟四号中的微波遥感

    Microwave remote sensing in the SZ-4 spacecraft

  9. 尽管仍然是无人航天器,但神舟四号飞船已经与载人航天器拥有同样的能力和安全保障。

    While still unmanned , the Shenzhou-4 was a fully functional spacecraft with capabilities and safety features a manned vehicle .

  10. 以神舟四号飞船中商用器件的使用作为筛选测试的空间应用实例,给出了其在轨飞行的试验结果;

    As the application example of the screening and test of COTS , the onboard experimental results of Chinese Shenzhou-4 spaceship with a COTS are presented .

  11. 神舟一号飞船于1999年11月20日发射升空,神舟四号飞船则于2002年12月30日发射,并用了七天时间绕地球108周后返回地球。

    The Shenzhou-1 was launched on November 20 , 1999 , while the Shenzhou-4 on December 30 , 2002 and returned to the Earth seven days later after orbiting the Earth 108 times .