
  • 网络Neuron computing;neural computing;neurocomputing
  1. 神经元计算的输出是纤维直径与熔喷非织布的厚度。

    The outputs of fibre diameter and product thickness are obtained by neural computing .

  2. 本文引入神经元计算的思想,提出了基于模拟退火的二相码选码方法。

    In this paper , neural computing is introduced into the field of the selection of binary codes , and a new method based on simulated annealing is proposed .

  3. 细胞色素氧化酶染色结果计算平均灰度值,NeuN标记的神经元计算其4C层的分布密度,GFAP和BDNF表达均计算阳性区域面积,分析结果与RGC轴突损失率之间的关系。

    The results of cytochrome oxidase reaction were transformed into average greyness values . The spacial distribution of NeuN labeled neurons and positive area of GFAP or BDNF expression in lamina 4C of primary visual cortex were counted and the relationships between the results and RGC loss were analysed .

  4. 通过运用计算机建模仿真、神经元计算等方法,可以搜索化学组成与药效相随变动规律,以及预测未知化合物的生物活性。

    With use of computer modeling simulation and neural computing , we can search the rule between chemical composition and drug effect , and predict the bioactivity of unknown component .

  5. 实验结果表明,海马硬件神经元满足计算神经科学的要求。最后,基于自适应同步原理和FPGA技术,本文研究了正常神经元参数的辨识和非正常神经元的控制。

    The results show that the hippocampal FPGA neuron meets the requirements of computational neuroscience . Finally , based on FPGA technology and adaptive synchronization theory , the parameter identification of normal neuron and the control of non-normal neuron are realized .

  6. 在对各层的神经元进行计算时,使用安全点积协议,安全多方乘积协议和安全多方加协议,从而保证神经网络权向量的中间值和最终值都是安全的。

    In the calculation of neurons , we use secure dot product protocol , secure multi-party multiplication protocol and secure multi-party addition protocol , thus ensuring the middle and final values of the neural network weight vector are secure and will not be leaked .

  7. 详细证明了用该模糊极大极小算子神经元网络可以计算与图灵机等价的部分递归函数,从而表明模糊极大极小算子神经元网络的计算能力等价于图灵机。

    It is showed in detail that the max min operator neural network can compute part recursion function , which is equivalent to Turing machine . This indicates that fuzzy max min operator neural network has the same computation ability as Turing machine .

  8. 单神经元PID以其计算量小,结构简单的优点被广泛应用。

    Single neuron PID is extensively used because of its less computational cost and simple architecture .

  9. 通过免疫荧光细胞化学法检测神经纤丝(NF)的表达,进行神经元鉴定及纯度计算;

    Neurofilament ( NF ) was detected by immunofluorescence staining to identify neurons and to calculate the purity of neurons .

  10. 人工神经网络(ANNs)是一个由大量相互连接的神经元组成的并行计算系统。

    Artificial Neural Networks ( ANNs ) are parallel computational systems comprised of densely interconnected neurons .

  11. 用神经元网络的模拟计算方法求解Klee-Minty问题

    Solving the Klee-Minty problem using a simulation computational method of neural network

  12. 神经网络的多稳定性,实质上体现了网络中神经元活动的群体计算特征,更深层次地揭示了生物神经网络的内在本质,具有更强大的计算能力。

    The multistability essentially characterizes the group properties of neurons and deeply depicts the neural networks in essence , so the multistable neural networks have more powerful parallel computational capability .

  13. 因此,本文研究了脉冲神经膜系统在使用指数规模的预计算资源(即系统包含指数个神经元)时的计算有效性。

    In this dissertation , the computational efficiency of spiking neural P systems is investigated , under the assumption that some pre-computed resources of exponential size ( i.e. , the number of neurons used by the system is exponential ) are given in advance .

  14. 它能通过神经元模型的简单计算复合映射获得复杂的非线性映射能力,因此被广泛的应用在模式识别、图像处理、数据挖掘、信号处理、自动控制等多个领域。

    It gets complex nonlinear calculation ability by mapping a large number of simple calculations of the neuron model . Therefore , it is widely used in many fields , like pattern recognition , image processing , data mining , signal processing , and automatic control and so on .

  15. 分析了模糊神经元模型,指出了这种神经元模型在计算能力上的缺陷.提出了对模糊神经元定义的两种改进方法,一是限制传递函数为非单调函数;

    Based on analysis of the limitations of computational capability of a fuzzy neuron model , two improved methods on the definition of fuzzy neuron model are presented , by using non monotonous function as restricted inspiring function and by modifying the definition domain .

  16. 方法以Aβ25-35诱导大鼠皮层神经元凋亡模型,用倒置显微镜观察细胞形态变化,用Hoechst33258核染色分析神经元凋亡,并计算神经细胞的凋亡率。

    Methods Apoptosis was induced by β - amyloid peptide ( 25-35 ) in cultured cortical neurons . Morphology of neurons was observed by microcopy and Hoechst 33258 nucleus staining .