
  1. 人们能在你头里放一个新的大脑,但是你还是不存在,所以人造大脑这种想法看起来很荒谬。

    They can plop a new brain in your head , but you 'll still be gone , so the idea of making artificial brains may seem absurd .

  2. 但是这并没有阻止科学家在实验室发展人造大脑。今年奥地利的科学家仅从干细胞开始,成功地创造出等同于9个周大的婴儿的大脑。

    But that hasn 't stopped scientists from growing actual human brains in a lab. Starting with nothing but stem cells , scientists in Austria this year managed to create brains equivalent to those in nine-week-old fetuses .

  3. 如果你将这些电子设备带到床上,它们散发出来的人造光会影响大脑原先的运作方式。

    If you bring those devices , and the artificial light that they give off , into bed , however , you may be tricking your brain into thinking it should stay awake .