
  • 【航天】astronaut system
  1. 定期体检航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍,检查柜里有十几件医疗设备,航天员们每四到五周进行定期体检,包括超声检查和全血细胞计数。

    Dozens of pieces of medical equipment are available in a checkup cabinet . The astronauts have regular physical checkups every four to five weeks , including ultrasound examinations and complete blood counts .

  2. 航天员系统副总设计师黄伟芬说,六名航天员上周日就已抵达酒泉。其中的一名将进行太空行走。

    Huang Weifen , deputy chief designer of the mission 's flight system , said six astronauts-three to fly out and three to be on standby-have reached Jiuquan on Sunday .

  3. 航天员系统的副总指挥杨利伟介绍说,舱外航天员执行任务的时候,舱内航天员要将技术手册读给他听,并对他的动作进行检查。

    Astronaut Yang Liwei , deputy director of the system , said astronaut extravehicular mission , the astronauts inside to Reading technical manuals to him , and his actions to be checked .

  4. 宇宙飞行对航天员免疫系统的影响

    Effects of spaceflight on function of immune system in astronauts

  5. 目的概述近年来有关宇宙飞行影响航天员免疫系统功能的研究进展。

    Objective To summarize the works of effects of space environments on function of immune system in astronauts .

  6. 资料综合论述了宇宙飞行对航天员免疫系统功能的影响及其可能机制。

    Literature synthesis Influences of space environments on immune function of astronauts and its mechanisms were summarized and discussed .

  7. 由于太空实验的数量有限且重复性差,所以,目前的研究结论都是初步性的,对于宇宙飞行对航天员免疫系统的确切影响还有待进一步研究。

    At present , the times of space experiments are limited and its repeatability is low , so the conclusions are preliminary and further investigations are needed .

  8. 结论宇宙飞行可影响航天员免疫系统功能,导致细胞免疫功能减低,但是,体液免疫功能变化不明显。

    Conclusions Spaceflight might affect the immune function of cosmonauts and lower the cell immune response , however , it had little influence on humoral immune response .

  9. 目前,对于宇宙飞行导致航天员免疫系统功能改变的可能机制,主要集中于太空复合因素以及由其引起的神经-内分泌系统改变对免疫系统的直接和间接影响。

    For the moment , most investigations suggest that the mechanism of changes of immune function is mainly related to space environments and variations of neuroendocrine system induced by space factors .

  10. 航天服是载人航天必不可少的防护装备,是航天员个人生命保障系统中最重要的分系统。

    Spacesuit is the necessary protective equipment of manned spaceflight . It is the most important component of life security system of astronaut .

  11. 航天员们在太空洗衣服吗?航天员中心航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍:三位航天员在太空不洗衣服,他们穿的是一次性衣服。

    The three astronauts don 't do laundry in space and use disposable clothing instead .