
  • 网络space program;FCP
  1. NASA局长博尔登(CharlesBolden)说,莱德的翩翩风度与专业素养破除了重重障碍,可以说她的出现改变了美国航天计划的面貌。

    NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said that Ms. Ride ' broke barriers with grace and professionalism ─ and literally changed the face of America 's space program . '

  2. 但航天计划是一项对未来的长期投资。

    But the space program is a long-term investment in our future .

  3. 伽利略计划是欧盟为了打破美国的GPS在卫星导航定位这一领域的垄断而启动的迄今为止欧洲将要开发的最重要的航天计划。

    To break the monopoly of GPS on the field of Global Location and Navigation of Satellite , " Galileo " plan is put forward by European Union , which is the foremost space plan so far .

  4. 此举反映了NASA载人航天计划中的一个根本性转变,即把设计和运行航天器的任务外包给私人企业,而不是像以往那样亲力亲为。

    The awards reflect a fundamental shift in NASA 's human spaceflight program , relying on private companies rather than the traditional hands-on approach , in which the space agency designed and operated the spacecraft .

  5. 航天计划的长远前景尚未明朗。

    The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance .

  6. 不幸的是,灾难终于发生在航天计划上。

    Tragically , the odds finally caught up with the space program .

  7. 欧洲长期航天计划的现状

    The Status of the European Long - Term Space Plan

  8. 中国载人航天计划的第二阶段中。

    China is now in the second phase of its manned space program .

  9. 应邀到会的科学家大部分是航天计划方面的专家。

    The scientists invited to the meeting are mostly experts on space programme .

  10. 向支持科创航天计划的朋友致以衷心感谢!

    Thanks to everyone who support the KCSA project !

  11. 然而,该航天计划的科学成果并非特别明显。

    However , the scientific pay-off from the programme has been less obvious .

  12. 我们没有隐藏自己的航天计划。

    We don 't hide our space program .

  13. 它们并不孤单,因为日本也有一项航天计划。

    They are not alone ; Japan , too , has a space programme .

  14. 巴基斯坦航天计划和一项更大的自由贸易协定也初露端倪。

    A Pakistani space programme and a bigger free trade deal are also on the horizon .

  15. 飞机飞行试验所获取的数据在很大程度上促进了航天计划的发展。

    Much of what was learned from its flights speeded up the development of the space program .

  16. 其中包括本土制造喷气载人飞机和载人航天计划。

    Among them the development of the indigenously built jumbo passenger aircraft and the manned space program .

  17. 由于科学家们的缜密准备,此次航天计划很成功。

    Due to the scientists ' careful preparation , the space program has worked out quite well .

  18. 但是造出一架可投入使用的原型机还需要许多年的时间,更不用说提出一项可与阿波罗计划相提并论的新航天计划了。

    But a working prototype - let alone a new Apollo-style programme - is many years away .

  19. 这是第五次阿波罗载人航天计划,也是第三人类的探月旅行。

    It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon .

  20. 风险管理是航天计划/项目管理的重要组成部分。

    The risk management is one of the important constituents of the management work in space program / project .

  21. 今天,雪格里菲斯和托尼里格斯完成一份报告,对美国的第二次载人航天计划,双子座。

    Today , Shirley Griffith and Tony Riggs complete a report about America 's second manned space program , Gemini .

  22. 全身振动疗法开始于俄罗斯航天计划,逐渐演变成人们有效的锻炼计划。

    Whole-body vibration therapy started in the Russian Space Program and evolved into an effective workout program for everyday people .

  23. 上月,“飞船一号”飞到了40英里的高度,这是非政府航天计划中迄今达到的最高高度。

    Last month , the craft reached a height of40 miles , the highest altitude ever reached in a non-government aerospace programme .

  24. 我在哪里才能找到有关贵国航天计划的直接链接?我希望能够随时了解此次太空行动的进展。

    Where do I find a direct link to your space program ? I would like to follow the progress of the space flight .

  25. 这次成功的飞行开启了中国载人航天计划的“第三步”,即建设空间站。

    The successful flight inaugurates the " third step " of China 's manned space program , which is to construct a space station .

  26. 中国载人航天计划发言人在今天宣布,神舟八号无人飞船计划于明晨北京时间11月1日5时58分发射。

    CHINA 's unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 is scheduled to be launched at 5:58am tomorrow , the spokesperson for China 's manned space program announced today .

  27. 但是选举日那天在佛罗里达州获得压倒性胜利后,奥巴马也不太可能一脚把那些喜欢航天计划的投票人踢开。

    But having successfully reeled in Florida on Election Day , he 's not likely to do anything to tick off its space-happy voters either .

  28. 新一轮采样分析表明,实际上水不可能存在于月球表面之下。这些样品是执行阿婆罗航天计划的宇航员带回来的。

    A new analysis of samples returned by the Apollo astronauts suggests that there is virtually no chance that water ever existed beneath the lunar surface .

  29. 在前人成就的鼓舞下,在明确目标的指引下,我们今天为美国的航天计划建立一个新的进程。

    Inspired by all that has come before , and guided by clear objectives , today we set a new course for America 's space program .

  30. 如果把用在研究女人胸部的精力放在航天计划上的话,我们或许已经在月球上练摊儿了。

    If the effort that went in research on the female bosom had gone into our space program , we would now be running hot-dog stands on the moon .