
  • 网络Literary Criticism;Literary Review
  1. 疏密是文艺评论中一个重要概念。

    Density is an important concept in literary criticism .

  2. 文艺评论有多种标准。

    Literary criticism has many standards .

  3. ['litərəri]词源letter变形literadj.文学的;书面的;精通文学的词组literarycriticismn.文艺评论literaryquotation典�

    literary connected with literature a literary critic literary prizes a literary style

  4. 这是科学的文艺评论观和研究观。

    This is a scientific concept art commentary and research concept .

  5. 这本书已成为文艺评论界的一个里程碑。

    This book has become a landmark in art criticism .

  6. 我更喜欢文艺评论。

    I prefer good literary criticism .

  7. 洪珉,教授,主要从事写作学和文章美学及文艺评论研究。

    Hong min , professor , devoted to the research on writing , aesthetics and review on literature and art .

  8. 从性质上说,网络“恶搞”属于新型文艺评论,也具备构成改编作品的条件。

    The identity of internet viciousness is a new type of literary criticism , and owns the qualification of adapted works .

  9. 他的产量很大,不到二十年累计近三十篇,包括小说,短小说集和诗集,戏曲还有文艺评论。

    Her productivity since then has been prodigious , accumulating in less than two decades to nearly thirty titles , including novels , collections of short stories and verse , plays and literary criticism .

  10. 苏珊·桑塔格是美国当代学界一名活跃的学者,她涉及的领域很广,包括文艺评论、小说、哲学、文化等。

    Susan Sontag is an active contemporary academic scholar in America . She covers a wide range of fields , including literary and artistic criticism , fiction , philosophy , culture , and so on .

  11. 在《地平线:文艺评论》杂志中,他写下充盈他牙买加生活的其他元素,从食物(“美味可口而且应有尽有”)到天气,还有最重要的是,这里的人。

    In Horizon , he wrote about the other elements that made his life in Jamaica fulfilling , from the food (" delicious and limitless ") to the weather , and most importantly , the people .

  12. 经济学不像哲学或者文艺评论,后两个领域对学生和研究人员的价值主要在于辩论本身,而非获取一套具体实用的知识体系。

    It is not like philosophy or literary criticism , where the value for both students and researchers lies mainly in the debate itself , rather than the acquisition of a body of specific practical knowledge .

  13. 其主要缘起便是中国古典美学和文艺评论有着自己的传统、特色、标准和审美观。中国美学和文艺评论特色何在?

    The reason is that the Chinese classical esthetics and the literary commentary have their own tradition , characteristics , standard and views of aesthetics , which closely describe the figures by way of personification , which further combines the form and spirit .

  14. 文章认为,《诗论》是现存最早最完整的一篇诗学专论,是先秦文艺性诗歌评论的代表,同时也是中国文学批评若干重要思想的滥觞;

    It is considered as the oldest integrated Chinese poetics in existent documents , a representative of poetic criticism practice in pre-Qin , and also the origin of some important ideas in Chinese literary criticism .